tinktink162: "pointless" kills him instantly "you fucking dumb or what" lmaoooooooooo fuck i love your vids hahaha
sweetwilly6663: Good vid but holy brother way to much standing at ge talking
arabscamel1034: I dont see why people get upset at venge pk. If you pk a lot, you kinda just go where the money is that day, or what feels right for the day. The moment you go against what you're feeling is usually when you die, lol.
mosaid2361: 95% is flipping 5% pking
Emzlv702: 5:00am good morning!
Ill win one day.... lol
NickTheKangaroo: bro how do you make your runelite graphics look so smooth, is there a runelite plugin i'm missing?
mylesfreitas924: where is ep 5 it goes from 4 to 6
Jul 08 2024