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I Spent A Week At The Best Money Maker In OSRS l 0gp To Max Cash 9

Free_BMJ: havent watched but predicting pet and hella drops cuz hes a spoon

KriibusRS: Holy moley what is that cheese cape, jesus christ oh lord all mighty save us all

wrenandrews3782: As an iron. I don’t play with irons that don’t split.

cokemachine62590: If an iron is in a split group, they need to have a main account that has enough money to pay out splits if they get a drop on the iron. If y'all were doing this boss for money, there's no way I'd let that iron join the group, clan mate or not.

youreverydaygiantclam: hey thats me

jakaramoore523: That iron would have to split

Mike_vl1994: Nice video man! I green logged nex yesterday after 781 dry streak in trios. Had 16 rune swords drops and no uniques. This place can print money, but goddamn it sucks to go dry at ice prison. Made around 3b from greenlogging so can’t complain but should have gotten 4 drops to be on droprate unfortunately.

poorpotato1508: Love being a body double for the intro lol

VonJoakim: Something something race to more cheesy cape

linkofdoom24: I see waa solo gim, clam, thorg, and juny doing it. Too bad I’ve stopped playing recently since just not feeling it.

Eckharrt: The sleepywood music from maple story is so nostalgic

Oct 28 2024

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