johnd7199: lol that masori was the most paid actor type actor I've ever seen act. The whole time he' just running and eating, but conveniently near the ditch when you splash that entangle he turns to attack you back.......right. lmfao. terrible series man.
Mike-xz5qt: Paid actor lmao doesn't know about the mage
MattPlaysRs: "I"m done boosting, no more boosting"
can't help himself, boosts raids again and includes it in the video
auryzzzzzzzz: Emm you say all your accounts is bronzeman , when did you unlocked tbow , tumaken , torva , scythe? I missed something?
TheSchnopp: you tanking on 1 account and pking on the other gave me so much anxiety, holy shit you're a gamer!
flunkreaction: You need to hire an editor, I love the content but their needs to be better cuts to move the story along
rihardsv.7375: the way u choked on some w the masori guy was pathetic comparing to your usual pking
Envy-sz7el: ngl i was enjoying the series but the paid actors made it unbareable Framed v2
ryanbrown5425: Love how everyone knows your use paid actors and how obvious it is
shhy5003: hot garbage how you let son get away smh
Oct 13 2024