Chaumyk: I want to max just so I can start playing the game. RSN Weilant
EnderBeastMC: “Hey guys kaoz here I’m gonna tell you how to get max cape with zero effort.
You can’t.
Thanks for the golden gnome”
Zidria: What if I told you you can max and get in shape at the same time?
partysqu1d: "low alch myself" is my new absolute favorite method of saying what that phrase means.
10/10 content as always, Kaoz!
ICE-Rouge: I got my bank value to 1B for the first time. :D
owenmaclean5542: it took me a year but i got 99 fishing from doing Karambwans while watching the ufc cards every Saturday. RSN Born Moose
lob-119: I want to max because its a prereq for Tithe Farm RSN - LOB-119
Evelanderine: I want to max and am getting somewhat close. I want to max because it has been a nostalgic goal of mine since the early 2000’s to have 99’s in all skills. Always thought it would look super cool to see them all at 99. RSN evelanderine
ShuriBear: Tip #5 is just an amazing for real life too!
lmaglnary: Did this man say he had a daily goal of 400k runecrafting xp?? Isn't that like 6 hours of efficient runecrafting? Yup guess I ain't maxxing
kebabas222: I want to max because I want to fulfill my childhood dream of becoming the Zezima. Which nowadays means to prove myself that it is possible that which seemed impossible and the only thing that is needed - consistent hard work (and a tiny tiny bit of luck). Made a decent professional career (became a "Zezima" in my field) because of lessons learned in Runescape early in my childhood and adolescence. Now I am doing it for my "inner child" who feels at home in osrs.
deathtouchltd: I’m definitely maxing. I’m 300K from 99 slayer. I got tons of resources. I’m gonna afk all my stash and then use the money I made from slayer.
Dash_Gallou: I genuinely think this year is the year I get max. I am 2158 total.
Would love a new series of boss guides from you as those are still quite a goal for me. They are also what I plan to grind after maxing.
RSN - Xost.
ReeceL94: I spent like 5 years maxing my account and once I maxed I thought I’d enjoy pet hunting…I didn’t. Literally quit the game 1 month after maxing and sold my account. I’ve just started playing again with a new account after selling my account 3-4 years ago and I’m definitely not going to bother maxing this time
Fenners-vc3db: I eventually want to max, but am definitely using drift net fishing, the combined xp are still good rates for both skills RSN Fznners
axticy5157: Perfect timing just started playing yesterday night. Wish me luck. I have no idea what to do LOL
Pacotaco-kj6hs: Maxing my Osrs account was a dream I had as a kid, and I am now trying to make a reality. RSN BadMittenz
PenancePrince: I want to max by the end of 2025. Sitting at 2212 and I can taste it. Then I can live at BA for the rest of my days. RSN: BA Saboteur
JayZeach: Without Low Alch'ing yourself? Setting the bar high on your value there Kaoz, nice set of tips though ;)
TuffLuckBro: Ahhh yes the one click juice grind for thieving
bow2thedao: When I think about it, I come to the conclusion that my brain feels that maxing means "completing the game." I think I intend to stop playing when I achieve this goal. RSN BowTwotheDao
PhyzinicStudios: I maxed in RS3 in 2014 and got trim comp in 2021. I want a new Everest to climb. RSN: Phy z
HockeyTruther: I want to max because it feels like a pre-req for end game content on ironman. About 1900 total on the hcim and only have rcing, agility, and slayer in terms of daunting grinds left.
HughWanztino: Fletching is one of the easiest 99s why act like it's so bad? It's one of the first three 99s for most people
OooEeOooAhAh: "zero effort"
No thanks XD
sup_my_bwana: I’m about 2.4M exp from maxing. Unfortunately it’s runecrafting exp.
Feb 05 2025