ScrappyLeech: I became a billionaire by runecrafting, merchanting, bossing, and slayer
My brother did it by staking
lamb-tika-cod4934: I got rich by pulling thirdage druidic robe bottoms and making about 1.5b from killing 7800 zulrah lol
runeritari3: i've played this game for years and im still broke as hell haha. Im just that unskilled
EliseoPerez-g9n: My bank is sitting at around 7b.. I'm currently doing a Muspah grind.. 6k kills in 1.5b made.
JoziAuen: I just bought a ton of bonds
Mrkingwoozy: im doing tormented demon on a black demon task to make money on the task
stevenpeterson2696: Two favorite skills are slayer and fishing. Idk if I've ever been both encouraged and attacked in one video before.
broscapers: I did about 3500 raids between all 3. Sitting at 22b bank and met lots of good people
UIM_KODA2018: Love this video brother, I am gonna share it with my mate as he is a broke main lol.
I am so glad I play a UIM Im 2100 total headed for 2200
SupimBryan: doesnt like a boss give you boss tasks? Like zilyana zulrah the DT2 bosses and such?
slayer bosses are just bosses you can do instead of the task itself such as kraken, GG, Cerb, hydra & araxor?
SharcTankk: I’m over 3200 kc at hydra and still no claw :) seems pretty lucky to me
chavapa1228: why u dont wear slayer helm to vorkath
Jackdawn92: I just passed 1b bank value last week by finishing my first Soulreaper Axe after returning 8 months ago.
Also it gave me a lot of passive progress for my char:
- 99 range
- 97 mage
My rule of thumb would be: Setup a goal and go for it, the rest comes passively.
carlosmejia5536: Even more motivated to do different content with you bringing back luckiest/unluckiest videos !
BulletBillWow: Thanks for bringing back the luckiest and unluckiest videos! I hope to be one of the luckiest people at least once :)
hexiron3852: My current goal is to get a combination of the minimal skill requirements for all quests/hard achievement diaries (Whichever of the two is higher, getting it), 85 for all combat stats bar prayer already being 78, and then completing the quests/achievement diaries, which then lead into PvM/bossing content. My current long-term gear goal is to get a corrupted Bowfa, and then eventually raiding
ronpugsley6137: I've made about 700M through thieving which is one of my favorite skills. Granted the prices for bloodshard and enhanced teleport seeds have been ridiculous this past year so it's not usually that insane money wise. But I've been able to max all my buyable skills plus buy tons of great equipment. Now Im set for slayer and all the money I make through slayer/remaining skills will all go towards a twisted bow lol
sterlander814: Getting 200m slayer exp before infernal or quvier is crazy
HerculesLoyd: Higher end bosses and raids are by far the best way to make gp. Skilling doesn’t make enough gp to pay for buyables and gear except for a few slow xp methods.
PEPPACHICKEN: I got my first 100M by just seeing what uncut gem made money by cutting them also flipping in the GE
adam8ive: I became a billionaire by getting spooned a shadow on 2 kc. Got pet at 1kc as well. Second shadow at 96kc. Ez money, going for a third.
Apex-jf4pn: I've been making some decent GP at bosses with consistent drops but nothing too special. I think it's time I play some GWD lottery.
mikevanblommestein6545: Haha my questcape is my first cape before any skills
arcanebear2484: Can i get my 300m back now?
The2aAdvocate: Best New
Mar 03 2025