pk-tha-rapper: Until he's lumbridges newest resident
cratin84: You know we want to see the contents of the keys
water3680: ahh but the keys what were in the keys!
lathemcspadden9610: Nice choice with the Desert soundtrack
riskursnapped9353: I’m salty for the dude !! Lmfao what an L
ClipFixed: When you ask your friend to kill 5 alts with 2 gp per key then kill him and act like you did something for YouTube
amatesamaru: The editing was on point
bachelor_pad: U guys remember when fire surge hit 50’s whomp whomp magic nerf
excaliipurr8033: You and Lagunarium have inspired me to make a pking account
fullofbullets58: Lmao the way you pronounce inventory is crazzzyyyy “invantree”
Oct 24 2024