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Get Ready For Raids In OSRS

killerbas40: Did you put a camera in my house? Coincidentally i am the exact target audience looking to get into raiding for 2 days now, thank you

mikewazowski6070: this is exactly where i’m at, 106 combat - 30 days play time, 4 quests left.

alexhelms3281: Favorite raid is ToB, particularly friendship ToB. After doing all the early and mid level grinding to be raid ready, nothing feels better than finally getting to the fun group content with the boys. 1st KC scythe split is pretty cool too. RSN Hawkback1329

fightedmealready2692: No views in 58 seconds after upload? Bro fell off

featwizzle5517: Anyone teach me TOB? I’ve got 300 kc in Toa and been doing trio nex so I will be easy to teach! Where the boys at !?

Rsn- Zrump

zhiargm: Hello Kaoz. Thank you for this video. I have just begun my PvM Journey based on your other videos and I am working towards base 80 combat (about to reach base 75 combat). Watching your videos is a great motivator. I cant wait to reach the level to raid :) - RSN ZhiarGM

tocci2109: Favorite raid is TOA baby!

Learning the basics with a buddy and hunting for that thread!


Ao400: This was so helpful man thanks, I am now looking forward to your raid guides!

RamsFan93: Honestly, finding a good clan is the best shout.

taylorbates4742: I consistently ran ToB back around release, but haven't done it much over the past few years. I really want to learn Hard Mode ToB for my scythe kit and dust, but holy hell is it intimidating!!

Nov 06 2024

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