5igils: Unlocked my memory of F2P pking at the red portal thinking I was a machiiiine at pking. Also playing fist of guthix.... those were the days.
540nap9: what in the paid actor...
sisnoXsisnosis: "from scratch" starts with maxed account
Greg_2007: legend
Emzlv702: Ima watch this 20 times to get the 20 mil lol 3:24am in Las Vegas. Good morning everyone!
glizzygobbler6841: Looking forward to the new series! Btw, has YouTube changed something with ads? I’ve gotten multiple minute long unskippable ads watching this, typically it’s a back to back 5 second skippable add or just a straight up 30 sec unskippable ad
ImNotEvenGudBreh: Raw chicken is like 733gp each. You ran past a gold mine in lumby
AightRS: Isn’t this literally the exact same thing except for maybe the first 1-2 days? The remaining 10m to 5b.
AmIEvenHereRN: Zammy full helm is a clue step and because people who do clues stash them for convenience the price is really high
wakichunu: how do you have all the GE spots on f2p?
Jun 28 2024