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Everyone Forgot About RoT OSRS is Better For it!

RoTBrian289: those rot guys are soooo cringe!

Yltimate_: RoT? More like CringE

Irishslag: Bro that is actually pathetic, 30 losers sitting in a discord for 800m is hilarious to me.

Lures like this take a long time time, dude was convinced he was friends with one of the RoT members . They do all this for like 30-40M split per person LOOOOL thats like a couple of raids with the boys.

Absolute poverty behaviour

TylerKunkelTS: RoT, the only clan that named themselves based on what happens to your brain when you join.

7heOriginalBoss: They block usernames because ITS STAGED LMAOOO

andrewjackson6358: so all i can tell is that they cant do anything solo

SekTY: we might get ads in f2p, but at least we still have RoT around, ty gagex

ironhldeosrs5658: Staged ngl

zero1343: I've never been much of a pk guy, but is 1 vs 30 entertaining for anyone?

ironterrorist: 10m split for en ely with that many people, and 9k subs after 10 years of pking is kinda embarrassing lol

KeytarArgonian: Gotta love those 2005 transitions

XionicAihara: how does anyone find enjoyment in a 1 v 32 and claim its a good kill. that's like bragging you won a hockey game when your team is a college team and you are facing 10yros. Like it takes zero skill at that point.

colbyjacobs8280: LOL elysian skulled with mystics/black dhide. Makes sense.

Frothy_Mead: I think it's great to have RoT. All the un-self aware people decided to group up together in 1 clan, I mean, couldn't be more perfect.

tyyw10: It’s almost like jagex should have just kept banning them but jagex is too soft can’t wait for deadman to be ruined again

nx47: Ah yes, black mystic, the obvious choice for a setup with ely

duckwings4927: They blur their names, and then on some 'right clicks' you can see all their names.

RebelMontana: ROT being ROT. They’re still the toxic clan everyone knows. It looked staged.

tylerspaulding5045: And people wonder why no one wants to go in the wilderness anymore. It’s not a “risk” anymore it’s a guarantee you’re gonna lose everything on you or damn near. If it were a true risk it’d be actually fun even if you lose

lachlanharwood8235: i remember doing this shit when i was a teenager... almost 10 years ago like this pvp clanning, and posting clips or videos to expose people. but i was a child then.... these adults remind you are still doing this in there probs 30s lmao.. rot is the actual laughing stock of runescape.

7heOriginalBoss: They kill the same person wearing the same gear a couple of times lmfao. Yeah that’s fake. God rot is desperate and pathetic

CrashKingX: This video can only be described as Rs3. I’m disappointed.

WalnutsRS: Bro omg, these kids need to grow up!!!

AsylumDWP: Rot sucks, but all they need to do is vpn and make a new acc,

The issue is the way the game is set up to facilitate this behaviour, maybe limit multi on one who is unclanned? So maybe only 4 can dps or something? I'm not a pkr so I don't know how to fix but I don't like complaining without offering a solution

ironferrets: Normally it's them splitting 1m 30 ways. Sad. This is their rare pulls. Still 800m/30 is less than a synapse. Good for them tho.

spencertaylorcrowe: fun live today

joshuaadkins9820: how is that fun. i can understand solo pking but that just looks boring as hell. Your pretty much guarenteed getting a couple kills because you literally have a 40 man raid team to kill 1 guy.


Jan 28 2025

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