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Completing Runescapes Newest HARDEST Challenge OSRS Ironman Endgame 30

Kleur: only took me 2 months and 208 deaths to get me my quiver

AvengingCrusafe: My heart stopped when I saw you standing still, I was like "GET AWAY PLEAE", well done my guy

Behowls: ngl that sunfire helmet caught me off guard too, wtf is that lmao

vincethi8439: the frequent uploads while maintaining quality really make me feel something again

iTheDarkKing69: Love these videos, giving me motivation to get my quiver, also thank you for not using blender thumbnails, your thumbnails look so good

bk9839: I was expecting the volatility death with you running to the middle and having death animations off lmfao.

Fallenkoto12: I do not think it’s the most difficult challenge in the game. I would consider it to be more difficult if the D4 D5 tiles didn’t exist. Regardless Gz still a very nice achievement !

suffer8318: It's Quiverin time

dylani333: We early bois!

Oct 16 2024

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