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Best AFK Money Maker on OSRS 0 to 2B from Scratch 6

JRMR7: the fact that ppl in melee dh are willing to fight a guy with a buffed up msb into double korasi combo is beyond me ngl

_vincent_williem_van_gogh_1780: No

nancy-uo4ib: What an incredible video presentation!

NotFinalTillVinyl: Have you tried using the new cooked moonlight antelope for venge pking at all? One or maybe two per inventory seems like it might be strong as a first eat / help out eat the high sustained damage you take in eclipse from its low defence. Might be terrible, but it could be worth trying?

DrCrunkMusic: That 'lets go' shit is a like a tick

chrisramseier5690: Drinking game idea, take a shot every time you say lets go.. goodluck livers

austinsheaffer4771: 150 views in 6 minutes.... fell off

reef9999: Props for the series. BH / PvP World sprinkled in isn't bad, but the NH / deep wildy / revs content is much more interesting. We get that type of content takes ages to produce just given how hard it is to find fights. <3

HighHopes93: THE TIMING content like this gets me so hyped to play.

May 18 2024

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