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Becoming a MASTER OF PVM OSRS Ironman Endgame 32

josenunes7873: "mindboggling to me we done this much in so little time". Title of ONE of the 33 videos of this playlist: "This Axe Took Me OVER 200 HOURS". You have a very distorted notion of time my guy.

tommylucatiel7911: babe wake up new nooblet

Aeope: 3st!

dubudubu2442: If you didn’t know, you can detach the box for the soulreaper axe spec thing and move it next to the spec orb, I think it’s more convenient

maxcougill8436: amazing video keep it up:D jusyt hit 1800 total on my own new iron in 31 days were gaming!

iTheDarkKing69: They call you the master of pvm, they call me the master baiter, we are not the same

benlasky9414: Ugh the kraken joke boo boo on you sir lol

oceankun1105: Huge gratz noobleman, it's crazy to see how far you've come from the start of your maxing iron man series to now, and I really think you could smoke out grandmaster, some of the achievements are insane, but with how dedicated you are to the grind I genuinly see it in your future, gl on the next grind man!

suffer8318: Insane. I finally maxed my iron got pots to do content again like i've been talking about in previous vids. Kind of in the boat you were at start of this series kinda, have somethings you didnt due to updates and missing some you had. Started grinding vard try to get ultor & virtus.. Got pet and axe head before 100 kc lmao.. up to 250 with nothing else expect to take a shitload more to get vestige... no ingots either lmao

jeeeffffff2518: UIM time!? Yaaaaa baby!

Oct 29 2024

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