Silly_Rum: Fun fact: avas only started retrieving javelins at the end of May, 2024
2tick_rick: That picture of Gnomonkey popping up on the screen. Fucking 24kt gold
Eyesthatray: Great guide bald one. I feel the audience would benefit more from an example kill using the worst gear so the viewer can see the repetition.
admiralunicorn379: Damn thought I'd at least have the gear for the lowest set up but that zuk helm...
blahdie189: Great guide as always, but if you’re going to show budget setups you should probably show us a budget setup kc as well.
See how us peasants struggle with multiple egg spawns.
drunkenskaterguy: Death charge is really nice to bring as well, since u frequently get procs from the minions on top of arraxor itself
saucexciv2491: Me watching this with 70 slayer
gammer114: i love you
ericseidel2695: If you can demonstrate the SW tile tech that has araxxor hitting itself during enrage that would be tasty.
Sep 05 2024