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A Beginner Guide To Old School RuneScape OSRS

TheParallelSound: Player of 10 years? Yes ill click a beginners guide, thank you very much.

dehydratedculture9126: My favorite fun fact about osrs is that the cooking sound was recorded from their mom cooking bacon.

Nosoha: should i start right now ?

Joel-yg8wy: Trying to get my friend into RuneScape. I’ll be showing him this vid.

Thanks man!

Teodor1Oline: To all the beginners, this youtuber (Theoatrix) posts and have posted (check out his other videos) that really help with various stuff around the game.

This is for example fastest ways to level various skills, how to make money with said skills, experience rates vs gp/money per hour rates, and his own thoughts.

Great animated videos that are super easy to understand and still entertaining.

A legend of the game, the main osrs youtuber for me and countless others, and he even have more channels you can watch.

matthewsowards9465: Gotta say, I love the animations in all your newest content. Honestly makes me want to learn how to make them

swiftwing21: Amazing guides, keep up the great work!

jmucr96: Summary: just fucking do quests bruh

JonathanHolm: Been waiting for a video like this from you! Perfect to bring friends to the game! Thank you! :D

thealmightyz73: Following you for years man and I just want to say I appreciate your work and content regarding OSRS so much. God bless and keep it going!

kellycarroll6829: good job on this explanation thx!

Roys_World: Hell yeah brother this is some quality right here! Thanks for the watch

skiller4lif379: Am I a beginner? Nope. Did I watch the whole thing? Heck yeah!

KsanUwU: Feel like most of the info in the beginning is gonna fly straight over the head of newbies. A huge information dump, good for boosting the view count from rewatches lol.

Rxmedic43: So the gear progression is bronze shield/sword, full, addy, rune plate, and then full torva. Got it

desidoom: Just clicked on the video to like it tbh

Kirtail9: As someone who's come back after a very long break I'm really looking forward to learning more about whats new and whats good to do. I've been running laps to get 99 agility before I touch anything else in the game lmao

YosiahW: I'll give you the best beginner guide possible and save you some time. Quit the game while you still can. It will hold you hostage once you sink a few days into it. Touch grass, call your Mom and tell her you love her travel the world.

Just don't play this game. It will ruin you.

Redicat: Honestly boys it maybe is better not to begin with this never ending journey

RizzyGyatt: 24 mins of the GOAT

Jp-gc6bh: me someone thats played for 20 years: “oo a beginners guide”

DissentingDogLevi: Well it been 5 years I guess I could relapse

Wasabicrackerscape: what game is this

Its-Sweet-Tooth: Here’s a tip: if you don’t like the first hour, you won’t like the game

SpudgunCO: Watching this while running agility laps on my 1760 iron man. Been playing RuneScape for 16 years, but watching because we love Theo

gabrielpagan8247: Probably I’m one of the few new players and this video and all your work is helping me a lot deciding what to do or what to learn first in such a big game thank you!

Feb 24 2025

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