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40 Hours of Hallowed Sepulchre UIM Collection Log Completionist 28 OSRS

t0rstol: Hey Devious, I picked up a Yew Seed you dropped when you were doing Wintertodt and I've been holding onto it ever since, just riding the high. Love you.

KingLumague: For the giant's foundry, you just need 14 empty slots since there's a bank chest there, so you can unnote each separately and dump it in one at a time.

StrangeAmericanLyrics: Hey deevs, love you and love your vids. Bc of you i got back into rs and my uim and now i just got mega spooned a shadow from 150s toa lol

owmegwoagm: She sep on my ulchre til I’m hallow

matthew258m2: Grats on the Collection logs done. Good luck with your next one. Makes me want to make a UIM

Kngofkngs: Currently on 527 Grand Coffins opened with no ring.

myronscheper4855: Gz on hasia blueprints!

Kngofkngs: How are you able to do the Forestry events on the fly like that? Last time I tried it kept telling me I had to be there for the spawn.

Even if I was close enough for the event to be JUST out of render distance (Was cutting Willows north of Seer’s bank and couldn’t participate in an event that spawned at the Oaks just south of the bank)

JazzToTheTwo: Can someone explain the eggs? I thought with forestry you had to be closeby and chopping trees to be able to interact with the events?

Is this a uim thing where uims can do all events no matter what?

nuzzingg7107: Use empty vials to get thr 14 slots

Jun 07 2024

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