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26 Item Scramble OSRS Challenges EP.195

JD-qp7sx: Been watching for what feels like near a decade. Still don't know who's who. At this point I'm too afraid to ask.

lilyana0: jen's fashionscape was sick i cant lie

ragebaitcommenter: Why even promote your twitch you havent gone live in like 4 years?

stephiec4062: The Harry Potter quotes are fire, please never stop.

fubarrossi1234: Jen didn't you break the rules with the mixed hide cape??

austinjs95: Didn't virtoso cheat? Wasn't suppose to buy items from the GE? The mixed cape?

Catp0w3r: Did virtoso buy a setup on the GE?

dallastautu5369: Tanzoo put so much effort into the fashionscape through the video, and it’s the only point he didn’t get

TripodFay: really lame that tanz won cuz a clan mate called a d imp. If he came across it in game naturally, fair game. but clan assist was lame.

priolik: It is 100% the Harry Potter time of year. Love the references

Oct 08 2024

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