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20 Slayer Tips Tricks for OSRS

bob4706: I feel like this is an AI version of Theo. I’ve been watching his vids for years and his pronunciation seems noticeably off. Either way I learned a few tips, by thanks.

Theoatrix: guys... this is not AI

killstreak5500: Would be cool if you could put charges into explorer ring to use high alch, kinda like a ring of suffering can be charged with recoils.

cluelessjohnnyy: Per owa counter: 1

Icalurable: yes daddy first

KITTYSLEEPSOUNDS: second baby wooohooo

FeelMyBicepp: Runescape for life

Renounce_Darkness: slightly dissapointed you didn't mention the tzhaar task itself. With the new goading potions if you find the right spot you can average around 80k-90k slay xp an hr just killing regular tzhaar while also going for the obsidian armour while barraging/blood barraging. Great alternative instead of doing the jad task.

EggEarl: New potions and new partner system. Yhata yhe whole video. Saved your time if you read this. Okay bye

Free_BMJ: take a shot everytime he says Turael wrong

Bush-Shark: I swear this is some kind of AI rehash of his other channel.

Oct 16 2024

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