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130 Hours of Barraging Warped Jellies UIM Collection Log Completionist 45 OSRS

eBootshere: DVS can grind like nobody I've ever seen..

InternetSado: genuinely look forward to these every sunday now:)

ianatkinson5509: I love when something big happens and the next clip he shows us is quiet. You know it’s gonna be big

PrinceKaladin: As always, you make these grinds look like a walk in the park. Well done devious

rynowill75: Would it not be more advantageous to get the new aggression pot rather than make darts? You’ll also get Huey and mixology log too along the way.

PotatoHimeRS: Jellies had it coming

iamsquire3043: How many firefighters did u get from the hard clues? Was really curious about that because I’m trying for the recolors for my phoenix on my lvl 3 uim and now with the new update the colors r permanent, been waiting years for that update, great vids as always

obeybay: Wild progress, would take me like 6 months of heavy grinding to get something like this done lol.

waseemsaeda5036: Bro time has to be slower for you, the amount of grinding you do is crazy and super fast

AdamHHI: Between the master dupes and double potions you got pretty roughed here imo, but triple rune platebody def takes some of the pain away. I appreciate the math at the end and enjoy the upcoming afk king

Oct 29 2024

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