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How To UPGRADE Farm The Season 7 Artifacts New World Aeternum

planetg2125: The most amazing thing about NW is that thee combat and build design is so good; and yet the easiest thing which is "put people together to fight each other" has been so harsh for them to make since the original release

GR33Nday2: Great, so I wasted mats upgrading Burnanator with the wrong perk. Very nice xD

MrDometheo79: Seems like GW2 will be having a resurgence of players

TạThịNguyệtệt: I'm watching this video and thinking, maybe I should get a cat too. If only for YouTube

maddogd1: Why do 1 handed swords never get new artifacts,there's only 1 I think.

Toadbabe: With the Aconite bow, you recommended Arboreal Attunement and said that it would go with the nature damage from the ring. However, Aconite does primarily thrust damage so the ring should have thrust damage. I think any of the weapon ability perks are fine for the bow depending on your playstyle with a nature runeglass on your offhand is a really good idea to add a poison DoT (albeit a short one) for more offhand damage. Nice video as always.

xxblackoutxx6565: My biggest problem with the rapier is the DOT on the ability… I had a rapier with riposte perk and armor pen… when I successfully reposted I dodged behind the enemy for giga armor pen dmg, that was funny :D with that rapier, you could do the same if there isn’t a dot as ability :(

Justice looks kinda strong for tanks. With a rapier offhand? The annoying backcap 500 con build for OPR

ivangonzalez6831: Is this gear able to go to my original server? Will it be lost once the season ends? I don’t want to re level again :(

vobic13: How To Not get banned.

johnnycheng8065: head shot? the new musket artifact is joke

spiritwyrmk8622: Of course the Firestaff is the broken one with how stupid DoTs are.

These artifacts are all lame concepts.

Jan 29 2025

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