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4x FREE Goldcursed Coconut! Burnanator DOUBLE Nerfed! New World Aeternum

goodenoughhoney1667: I wish they would hire new devs it’s clear as day what the issue with this game is and if u played for more then 6 months its so obvious only game that I know of that I feel this way ever in my life

xSkwintz: People crying about the burn nerf need to get over it. Admit your weapon is overpowered as hell and 100% deserved to be touched. You act like you still aren’t going to be doing absurd damage, but cheesing people with 1 single heavy attack is absolute bullshit. Stop crying and get good.

GratonsYT: Every time they bring out something new people complain and they nerf it. Meanwhile the top of the leaderboards are being ran by sns/hatchet. Makes no sense

GR33Nday2: Congratulations, now we have another dead Artifact.

S2X14: You can feel the nerf already but it’s also a combination of so many people running vigor and max flame protection, have found more success using fwoosh(coconut fs) due to penetration

HimerosTeviot: The issue with the Burnator is the lack of viable counterplay to DoT's in the game. Vigor only applies to the base duration of DoT's. Cleanses are highly limited and most are relegated to consumables with lengthy cooldowns (made worse by the S7 Patch). Cleansing potions are restricted to OPR, War, and Invasions. They cannot be crafted and require game-mode specific currency to purchase. The Earing Perk requires both the perk and the use of a Regeneration Potion, only removes ONE stack or application of DoT effects, and has a lengthy cooldown. The Amulet Perk requires the perk Light Equip-load successfully dodging an attack, has a short cooldown and also only removes ONE stack or application of DoT effects.

W9HJBill: I wonder if the 4 coconuts is one per account or if you do 4 OPRs on two different characters, will each character get the 4 coconuts or is it just 1 coconut per account per day?

GP-ur6if: Never had so many burn DoTs on me before in OPR, was too funny. Knew immediately it was bugged just from that.

spiritwyrmk8622: For anyone that's crying about the nerf, shut up. Firestaff has been meta for more than a year and its still going to be. It needs to be put down even more

Im still hoping for cleanse pots to be craftable, so arena an open world DoTs can also be put down

modularbuildingsaustralia: Fire mages are cowards

Toadbabe: One odd thing I haven’t seen addressed (I could have missed it) is the egg event gives you unlimited 700 GS bind on equip items as you get them every time you complete it. The market will be flooded with them. I would have expected them to be bind on pickup, but now, any item with less than 700 GS is instant salvage.

jamieholsey1106: As a console player who started in October, New after the update became unplayable.

AriadnaHafezOficial: Useless noobs criying becase cant do counter to fire and dots, another artifact dead congrats

fatjay9402: Brunoator is useless now.. useless item... so no artifact this season is good

kyu9135: I did some testing with burnanator. In short, it loses about 30% initial dmg, and does about 60% dmg as burnanator burning. So at the end you gain about 30% dmg, given that you are not hitting an enemy who is already at max stack, and the enemy doesnt have any vigor or cleansing.

rickykuijpers3179: They should've nerfed the Burnaston a bit harder. They are very cautious when it comes down to nerfing

dhampir216: So glad the nerf happened way less annoying in opr . As it should be . Still Hurt but livable .. excited for the new map!

FatalWarGhost: Im only here because I miss Dukesloths Smite content and voice

Frogger900: DukeSloth posts, I watch.

abechad79: Fuck it wish would sell it to a company that wants to grow the game instead of killing it

lyarpvp: Do we know if the coconuts are per character or per account?

backwoodyboiii: Opr games should give dubloons too

OverlandingArmyVeteran: Burnanator was a Bit out of control lol, but damn someone step in and Fire this dev team please .

RadioAeternum: See you at Friday on twitch!

TrashAimBro: I just wish this was a PVP nerf not a PVE nerf aswell this is just killing the artifact in pve now no real reason to use it over other staffs that can do way more dmg. Im just lost like its not like it was doing outragous dmg in pve in the first place now my pve build just got nerfed like cool, ok

MarkD-pl4fu: lol bugged and nerfed. AGS now created a whole new category: watch to win game items

Absolute joke for devs and a game.

Feb 07 2025

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