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imagoat7208: we gon act like bro didnt just skip over the losses?

Chrisd0ntmiss: Bro just wanted an excuse to call his ex

wendellmclellanjr.9011: Vic cheesing out here like it's picture day in elementary school.

taygenmiller3130: Yo every like this gets ima do a push up run it up

davidlefever1983: It always be the big guys with no muscle tone that be flexing

IHopKori: what up viccc do some throw back madden vids

derichgaming6610: Famn bro you got that weight up and got built. Been like a year or 2 since i watch your videos. You really changed lmao looking good

vladdydaddy5197: Ngl, Vic is looking fantastic. Attaboy

ericholmes7468: The hot chip challenge do that one again lol

KevinRuch-ek6ih: Whats good vic? How bout 1 million coin into star elite packs and every time u get intercepted or scored on u do 25 push ups?

Jun 01 2024

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