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Welcome to Year 5! Revamped Defense Debuts - Madden 24 Saints Franchise - Ep.76

dylantharrington2265: Spoiler blocker!
wheattt1: “And the Crowd gets loud for Stroud” that was some bars Cane
chrisjames8979: lol Kindley with the Naruto run was great!
chim8939: Even though they gave up almost 400 passing yards, the defense made plays at crucial times which held the Texans to 13 pts. This looks like a promising season for the Saints if the offense can productive.
megamuffin15: Tommy Tomlinson is Justin Jefferson without hands. Freak athlete!
deathminder9206: Cane has been reading the comments. First the list of coming and going then running up the middle when its open.
landongest8364: I’d bet money that canes favorite addition this offseason was Lamar whitworth. Never seen someone get more excited about a punter than cane lol
CadChamberlain: The 3rd down playcalling was rough. Running way too many curl and hook routes and not utilizing the route running and speed of the receivers to get open.
tristannerney11: I think Blake Westbrook benefits from more downfield passes like crossers, posts and corner routes.

David Mayweather fits the system better and can compliment the run game well with his quick game passing.
legrandepatrontheplaneteat6241: I am sweaty for Sweat, A Groupie for Grupe and when i want to roleplay as a RE I glue on a Beard.
connorgould3153: You should make sure to change your punter's contract to 3 years like a real life UDFA instead of 1 like in game.
sh8dyw8yz: Defense in great hands with Aaron "FIVE OH" Kindley patrolling the middle
jalenwalker8790: Westbrook accuracy is starting to get annoying
tomith228: As a Saints fan thats watched this from season 1, I'm not getting excited until around week 8 lol
chim8939: Tomlinson only has 64 catch no wonder he misses all this catches
aderogbaatekoja6802: this defence looks like the real deal finally
Nakho-: Really gotta work that field general upgrade for Westbrook. Mans short accuracy is atrocious.
jonathansweetland501: Spoiler Protection

May 16 2024

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