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This Is Madden 24 In July...

erikalden9198: the opponents commentary
Terell-jt8qk: Hi I’m Wockyy civil glad I got to play against you buddy
elmango30: i will say this - ea is, for some reason, acting like they have to up the ante every year. they just don't. next year they can lower the ap limit, and keep abilities limited. The endgame should be when every player has a meaningful ability, and we hit htat in december.
yea3643: The game chat
JackSparrow-er8cf: This why all I do is run run run messes themMetas
xerohiryu4491: It’s a good thing u can only have one of those gronks
Cause if not and there was 4 or more in the secondary that will definitely add new meaning to the phrase “if you was playing football in forest and you throw a pass amongst the trees does it get picked”
ceomaniac4388: Civ you not lieing. I feel like that's all I faced today was the man meta. And I played about 8 games. My very last game I said to buddy on the mic. " I bet you if you get out this man with your 10 bottlenecks I'll dot you. Long story short I came back to win the game because he started playing zone. Also I ran into zan Madden yesterday. His defense is tough
michaelkelly5457: Hey Civil. I've never played MUT but for Madden 25 im getting into it head first. I play madden so much i think i should definitely being getting paid
cavsfan4378: Just so you know. You can sell crump buy John Mackey UL and get vanguard, yac, a te who can juke and probably actually make coins

Jul 06 2024

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