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This Guy Hasnt Lost A Single Madden 24 Game!

livecitycapitol: What a click bait thumbnail lmaooooo dude was 6-0

_ben_miller: in a competitive environment, everyone will do anything for an ego-stoking, including lie or embellish things. just do you. don't be afraid of losing or taking a "hit" in the eyes of people who already don't care about your channel or want you to fail. all you can do is enjoy something and hope like minded people find you. bending over for people who aren't even a gaurantee to watch you will leave you hanging more and more.

highwaytrellz: Slinger is just release animation

JBAE89: Dak got fearless but Josh don't. Fuck this game. No disrespect

andrerushing4956: “Congrats you beat fucken Adam Sandler”

chris_deiu7189: Tell em

revd6239: Crazyyy disrespect!!!!

TimmyAkins: slinger was nerfed in 23. Sfl and pass lead elite is the velocity abilities now

dpoe125: How you feel about creating call of duty content ?

illinvestinme-CoachDom: The objected at the end of the day is to win! People get that confused

aaronwalker9472: Mfn Adam Sandler

Jul 01 2024

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