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Marvin Harrison Jr is FINALLY in Madden 24!

LooseCannonCop1: This is the best end game Madden has ever been. Would have preferred more content earlier when everything slowed down around the Combine but this is nice still

bennettblackmon2858: Got him out the $10 pack and was gonna sell but i don’t really need much more and he is crazy with abilities and all the team chems

treylemons4617: Hey Chu I emailed EA about the OBJ situation thanks for telling me what to do!

highwayspeed867: Meanwhile I’m still waiting on a 99 ovr Marshawn Lynch BEAST MODE that nobody is talking about.

brycefreshour6291: New Balance is gonna love that he's wearing Nike's in madden lol

Also the helmet is wrong :(

Cooofy: What offensive playbook you using in this video?

Deewrizz2323: Next year I wanna be able to customize the drip on our cards. But sleeves or different cleats. Sweat bands jus the stuff we can wear nothing else

Paulmc13: Harrison’s WRS the best of the game

BT_RAIDER: Crazy how good he is

Jun 09 2024

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