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I rebuilt the Panthers in madden 24

DeryckGonzalez: That defense is shit

AngelSantana_HIM: The offense is good, but I cannot say the same about the defense

Footballstuffandshenanigans: Panthers Super Bowl next year with BRYCE YOUNG

Iamjusthavefun: I will rebuild them so much times how did you get the team that good?

patsnation4life1235: Offense is stacked but I got some questions abt that front seven

dylan-gaming-and-more: 5/10 good offense but you need to focus on Defence it’s like all 60 overalls and a few studs

Eli_Williams-Channel: hell of a job now rebuild the falcons

dookyjust: Bengles ahh roster

SafetyTrustsGod: Madden 24?

JamesKing-Bryant: Nice Offence Defence has holes like LE 2 MLB SS RE, Offense needs are C LG LT

Lions4Life-z6p: I have a team in franchise mode that has almost all over at least 96 or 97 and I have a 99 ovr team 99 off 99 def

Lions4Life-z6p: Bro he has 6 players that are good on the team

sportcook235: Rebuild the bears next

Treddakillz444: Correction rebuilt the panthers offense

king22-w7j: You definitely had trade difficulties on easy


Iluvshreckedits: Bro traded his first round picks

MacDaDMajors: Defense ass put Aiden Hutchinson in

braddolamb: What was there recerd

Icy_prodzzzz: Bro stole every first round pick

griffbob3054: How you got 67 overall hidden dev

BACON-z5l: How do you get the veteran rosters ???

NicoCollinsProductions: Defense is

beaubateman1570: Why tf everyone a bronze

doknow589: Ur defense sucks ngl

Feb 12 2025

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