adamsmith8738: the sweats in this game mode is foul
oscarlemke8926: Hasn’t even been 24 hours folks
bradleyroeder239: Can always count on Chu!!! Best part of MUT24 was coming across your channel.
benzobegoated7167: Yeah imma need that OBJ for the ravens theme team
kbclutchcurry1407: What was the method for getting him fast?
platinumgamingtv1380: CHU YOU ALREADY GOT HIM!?!?!
matthewhollingsworth3360: 80 wins that’s crazy
trayskii_7350: Played 10 ppl who just spammed stretch alert rpo
Mr.Mahalo_808: Good shit bro! Way to grind! After yesterday’s uploads wasn’t sure if you were gonna get it by today!
May 18 2024