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99 Donald Parham is UNGUARDABLE in Madden 24!

LooseCannonCop1: So angry runs on powers helps you break out of sacks a lot it seems? With how crazy blitzes are this year that’s pretty huge

zacherymassey6352: Even if most of your combine players don't start.... the motivation strat boosts you get is valuable. I've got some golden ticket players minus the x factors out of all the boosts.

benzobegoated7167: Need him for my 2 TE set packages next t kittle

da_hit_stick: I say Tony G is number 1

kasuiq2833: 5 views 1 minutes u fell off

MattMojo: Love it bro. Might go get Tony tho while hes cheaper

PIEDMONTPONA: Bro chu had a stroke live introducing the card LMAO

voidgaming5272: Chuuuu the goat

YoboyElijah324: Dude I picked him up and he is amazing

May 10 2024

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