VoGnos: Ah yes, 8 cards I’m too broke to afford
magnesium7383: DO NOT WASTE COINS ON RAY LEWIS. Do not listen to zirk on this one. Get jordan milata for 1/3 the price
G8rSox95: “If you don’t have an Angry Runs RB, what are you doing?”
…playing on old gen
myteamo8382: Zirk how did you not have one theme team All star in this
brycefreshour6291: Zack Martin RG better than hunt?
garywinthorpe9191: Would would be the second best option in the weekly 99 instead of Robert hunt bc I’m going to try to get Zack Martin to a 99
mammoth4349: I run the packers LT bc he has like 93 speed in my team
Dsgamesnmore674: Yo Zirk, does height matter on corners? I picked up Kyle Pitts CB and he's gotten picks he that my smaller corners struggle with
Julian55084: Hola
May 18 2024