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Was Brelshaza Too Hard? Thoughts on the State of Lost Ark

Falcc02: Its funny how a lot of people wanted the raid to be as difficult as it was released in kr but now everyones crying.

AzureNikki: I feel this hard. I downsized my roster and funneled to my main to keep up but it feels like i still cannot keep up and that is messed up. Now I am slowly falling further and further off as my alts are all suffering because they don't uphold the requirements for current raids and I can't even run old raids that they are well geared for cause they give me no gold anymore. It is very clear what SG wants us to do ! Still love the game and will play it but I have pretty much have to accept that I will always be behind. Awesome video though John ! Keep it up !

Sushjcángừ: As Benji Clip show : "Anything happen, you complain" xdd, sum up the whole Lost Ark community

CreamAndLight: I agree with everything you said in the video, however here is one thing I don‘t understand: Why do so many people, including YOU, pay so much for this game (you whaled your weapon to 25) which is exactly the reason why this company keeps doing this shit they way they do it. Guys like you finance them and keep supporting them with your money and in the end even the whales complain. I stopped paying anything for this game like 1 year ago and my main is now at 1700 also well-built like your Wardancer. Let me tell you, even if it frustrates me that it‘s hard for me to meet the dps requirement, it feels less painful knowing I didn‘t lose any money over it and supported this company with their stupid decisions.

puneetsingh5379: Combat/raid is the only thing in this game which is holding ppl for playing it.Time will come where ppl get tired of all this hard raids and quits.

chriso6042: I didn't really like brel, didnt like the new guardian. Decided to call it quits. Going to miss the combat, but not really anything else. New raids used to be a fun time, but somewhere it changed and became a very stressful couple of weeks. Its already been a breath of fresh air not worrying about dailies/weeklies.

emmusing: This first week for Brel definitely felt extremely hard. I have an up to date roster and my main is getting cooked. Though the raid was fun, it definitely felt like whale bait. If I didnt have a giga whale dps helping out, we wouldve struggled so much more.

camouflage1086: You put yourself in this position. 6 characters above 1680 ilevel is crazy. There is no need for that, why even do hard mode. What for, really? To get something you will get from normal mode anyway, but a bit later? To get ancient jewelery that is set to drop mostly at useless quality and you have to buy it from auction house anyway? I completely stopped doing group play on my alts, pushed them max to 1640 to do latest solo mode raids and only play Brel, Aegir on my main which is over 1700 ilevel. Only normal mode, had no issues to get everything upgraded before Brel came out. Just by doing solo mode and normal Aegir. You fomo, you force yourself to play so much just to get something faster, then new update comes and you do it again, and you have to push the alts again because you fomo again. Stop comparing yourself to other people, play for yourself and chill. As for engraving books, they will be dropping in price. I only sell them for now when they drop, because you don't need them to clear normal mode and have fun.

sdj33: predatory game is predatory. shocked pickachu face.

MadeedBTW: Right off the bat if you are pushing to 1690 and you don't have full tier 4 lvl 8 gems you are not meeting the minimum expectation. I'd also say at least 1 mid roll on all accessories is min expectation for this level of content. Also the longer you prog a fight the more you will become proficient at it and naturally improve your dps. Any class can clear hard mode with minimum gear. That being said however, not any player can clear with those requirements. Due to this being the case less skilled players have 3 options. Over gear the content, wait for the content to be nerfed with the frontier system or do normal mode. Also watching a little more into your video I feel like you are having a misunderstanding of what 1690 ilvl is right now. This is main territory. It is not meant for your weaker alts (secondary mains) if you aren't willing to gear them like your actual main and no I am not considering your rmt'd/whale bait 25 weapon a necessity to clear this content.

joshgoetz2477: This might be an unpopular opinion but I disagree. Brel was the first raid since Thaemine that gave me any satisfaction in clearing/progging in terms of like overcoming a challenge with my group. Everyone needed to be locked in and playing well together for the clear. For reference my character was the most geared in the group being 1695 ( 20 weapon) w/ full 8s but no books or other extra fancy whale bait. I had people in my group on ilvl doing 110-120m. I'm not saying this sort of challenge is great for the games health but personally I like when things are harder week 1. Idk if the battle item tech is the best solution for that but I'm bored of easy raids and I enjoyed brel.

Edit: Great video though I'm glad to see some differing opinions are hear other people's thought on the raid and their prog

Cris_Zombie: the balance is insane in t4, i cant belive some clases being 1680 are hitting more than others 1700, also back and frontal attack with every raid they release are more and more imposible to play, you have to hit everything perfectly to be on par to a hitmaster class if u are lucky.

Glac1alWasTaken: Unfortunately it's true, for on-ilvl characters with mostly 8s coming from T3 10s the raid is overtuned and might be clearable with raw skill and non-overinvested characters at best for a fraction of the community. The problem is when in spite of having good uptime meeting the damage check without getting some 4-5 extra weapon hones, several accessory upgrades maybe one relic book upgrade here and there to overcome class imbalance is an ask too big. Matching imbalanced classes on their bad pulls doesn't feel rewarding to play at all.

Bonus points when ark passive itself only introduces more shackles to your favorite play style, do we really need to make classes feel more frustrating to play in T4 than with entropy T3? Lunar has been done really dirty and the state of current raid doesn't help its case with how 'jump-dash-teleport&aggro/position_switch'-happy latest two bosses are.

Feels almost like a case of Malenia in Elden Ring where she breaks established game design though it makes sense lore-wise, it's a bunch of bullocks when the raid is hard moreso numerically than mechanically. Even if dps check was like 15% lower you'd have probably at least half of the 1690 and above of the player base not clearing it right now.

Erik50303: First 2 Weeks is definetly whalebait, I do like the Frontier System which means that new players or players that caught up are able to clear the raid 6 weeks after release.

delay8848: I gotta pretty hard disagree with this take, ive seen plenty of groups, mine included, that were mostly made up of characters wit equal or lower gear then your WD clear the content with sub1min left on enrage, which is exactly what you say should be possible. People just dont have the patience to actually prog but the raid is very far from impossible on ilevel.

JeyJ24: This is director Jeon Jae-Hak's fault. He's been in charge of progression from way before Goldriver even stepped down. His vision gave us this broken mess of tier 4. I don't understand why he wants all the playerbases spread so thin.

ethernet8042: and you know what was even worse with this raid? they're giving freaking titles for those who clear within a TWO weeks window...those who arent there yet and just cant do it is excluded.

Absolute disgusting.

taleofsonata1: The scaling of character progression vs the scaling of raids are just not balanced. We're already at a point where you have to push beyond the required ilevel for the content. Relic books, level 9 T gems, etc.

Valtan to Vykas to Kakul to Brel was perfect, it didn't requires insane over the top investment, they were clearable.

And also for new players (who did the ignite server) to be put into Thaemine as an entrance to T4 is fucking wild.

We had it easy with Valtan all the way to Thaemine.

biuntt: This is how it should be but adding a exclusive title for the first 2 weeks is kinda troll

RagingSorrowDR: Absolutely agree. I'm tired of seeing ppl in lost ark discord saying "oh this is definitely for normal hm brel chars and players, anybody can do 100m". This is for sure for whales and hell mode andies.

fattahtirta1783: well its hard for real for new players and returning players whos cant catch up the end game content

TitChapR: I had to pug brel hard because we just couldnt do ut with my static of friends... They were majoritarely on ILVL and yeah the dmgs were too short. Also one of them is arguably not the best player (probably average) and plays gravity training, AKA the class getting unjustified nerfs multiple times so the dmg checks were impossible to match.... I pugged and clear on my side, tho I must admit it just feels bad to have to leave your friends behind. That sucks

panoc3277: i agree on every word you said.

on the other hand there must be something wrong on those trixion numbers, my 1685 DI SH has 105m on a 2min run...

ilovewater8720: Mighta been pepeW in the moment progging..but overall I felt like it was a fun challenge. Cleared g1 with an almost all ilvl party, no whales, just 8 gem andies..but they all have good hands, cleared g2 with roughly the same with 1 person that had a little more juice. I agree with all the other shit though.

Novuhz: I think the issue is that the balance of these new raids and future content is based around you having some/all relic books done yet the supply for those are atrocious and way too expensive for any f2p player in terms of gold costs.

We cleared tho we were mostly around 1690-1700 ilvl no whales in the party. 85/85 on supports.

We almost hit enraged timer on p3 for Brel G2 i think we were 15-20 seconds from hitting zerk.

We were doing dark rotations and atropine windows as much as we could and not miss a single sidereal. Our team comp was zerk(me)/wd/gs/bard scrapper/wd/arcana/paladin

I think if we missed a single sidereal damage we would have hit berserker I guess with supports doing 95/95 it would give a much bigger window for a more comfy clear in terms of hitting berserk timer.

The raid is so long and you need to have everyone doing their best with high uptime on doing damage and supports sweating on buffing for ~18 minutes. I still think this is hands issues tho as we get used with greeding good patterns where u can greed for damage it will become easier and easier. I think the problem is that you need to perform well for so long since the fight is so long it's almost like Brelshaza G6 tbh.

I also think that the raids being balanced around you having relic books is dumb when the supply is so bad. This is the huge issue that needs to be fixed.

Fun fact is that we got a nerfed version too, at least the raid will keep getting nerfed for next weeks and we will also keep getting stronger with karma system.

KORIZMAbeats: Tbh For me brel normal was ez and fun. probably Hard brel its gonna be pain full but I enjoyed normal mode .and Im too far from hard mode anyways so Idk. probably they are going to nerf it more and more until I get there xDD.

ltsArlong: I think the issue is not that the raid is so overtuned and difficult (It will only get easier as we get higher frontier and experience), but the fact that the difficulty highlighted just how big of a difference a whale has in damage if they're juicing all avenues if power gain from RMT. Relic books, insane gems, you simply cant make up the damage anywhere else. Neglecting all of your characters for months to just buy relic books feels bad, when Mr. G2G bought all of his for less than $1,000 probably.

Jan 30 2025

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