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The New Lost Ark Event is Juiced... and a Little Bugged

TheRealTrucido: Wish they made the lower abyss dungeons soloable.

augustocabralbueno6722: Bro I'm so lost being back into the game, so much free shit

MrLigmenarxis: at least when your jail in a raid now in solo, there no one to blame but yourself lol

TwentyInchBurial: why did you do low lvl guardians? i dont quite get it

Trenk2009: Wait, how did he get to 60 with the pots ?

austinfebus3107: “don’t even have to play the game, just wait for an event” perfect representation of how i play LA

winston8195: That’s a lot of free juice indeed

Haru_no_ki: Solo raids buffs are really bugged. Back atack buff isn’t working at all

winston8195: Ya

haste3: Came back to check out solo raids. They still need to do something about honing, spamming and constant fails just feels bad. Thrones and Liberty style where the bar fills partially each tap would be so much better to where you see a progression per tap and not just artisan energy going up.

Jul 20 2024

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