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The Meta of Talking About The State of Lost Ark

jasonvoorhees493: call me soft or something but this brel 2.0 raid is a wake up call for me. im 1705 and cleared g1 and g2 hm after 30-40hrs of progging. i dont care anymore if im over leveled for the next raid.I will just do normal mode and call it a day. if progressing requires hard mode, I will do normal until I'm completely maxed out then just start doing hm. i couldn't be bothered anymore.

maxsid65: I quit LA about 2 months ago, after nearly 14K hours of playtime. I wasn't completely F2P, but I kept my spendings down to a minimum (basically character slots, Ark Passes and the occasional supporter pack), so I spent about 3 or 4 hours per day grinding chaos dungeons, guradian raids, cubes etc. I like reaching finish lines, and up until T4 came around, I felt like I was able to keep up. I got my full L10 gems (T3), got my Engravings and all that, but now it all got taken away from me. Now there are new L10 gems that cost like 3 or 4 mil at this point, new Engravings (1 Adrenaline book for like 500K - LOL?), I had to replace all my accessories with T4 etc... basically I felt like I got robbed and had to start over from scratch.

And for what? To continue playing the same endgame loop that's been in the game for years now? Spam raids as fast as possible, just to get them out of the way for another week? Don't get me wrong, I'm not regretting the time I spent with this game (can't really say a game is bad if you spent 14K hours playing it right?). The combat feeling is still the best I've ever seen, also the raids are amazing (aside from the fact that you are kinda forced to do them 18 times per week). But it's been the same thing since forever. Like you said in the video - nothing changes. It's getting old. So it was time for me to finally move on.

GFClocked: The feel when your favorite content creator is stuck on a dead game full of bots cheaters and toxic elitists, not even mentioning greedy and incompetent companies involved.

Grizzlybooey: Youl have standards, until you don't have a player base

AstroSayn: Today I learned is loa is just yugioh cuz everything is cards

HeiLong24: o7 for sywo and kanima

chicknwing2742: TERA did the same things that Lost Ark is doing now before it shut down. They made the game significantly more grindy, more p2w, more impossible to min/max, much harder raids/dungeons. Eventually players burn out, the game dies, EoS gets announced and players move on to the next new thing.

Kalimdor199Menegroth: Monetizing hard mode is like the best take I've heard so far, because it is very true. As you said, it started with Akkan and it progressively got worse. Right now it is the worst it has ever been because overgearing hard mode is insanely expensive. Everything costs in the millions.

The game is dog right now. You can still find some enjoyment in it, but it is the same old 10-15%, while the 85-90% rest is BS.

allanzesage4475: Thank God I started warframe thus I have a game to fall back to when this game blows

otamega8388: NM brel, as a 1670, is impossible to a find group. I had to honne till 1680 to get aceppeted in groups. Almost spent RL money in the game because of that, but instead as a scouter AT a choose to sell all my gems to get enought gold, and them play as a EVO to be able to clear it... wich is shit as F...

LeMonteQQ: Nobody watches Lost Ark Streams anymore or view youtube videos. I loved the game but the devs are stupid AF and killed it. Its mostly just botters playing now. The game was blatendly boringly made. The combat was amazing but the rest is Korean AF. You're literally forced to quit your job (or company) to just be able to play it. I botted it 10 hours a day and even with those 10 hours of botting (that was faster than by hand), I 'still' had to do homework.

- Legion Raids became more of a drag and forced you to do them to get money. They're very cool but eventually its "just homework".

- The player base was shrinking (with an obvious reason) so that was another thing that killed Lost Ark.

- Chaos Dungeons? Kekw, homework

- Raids? Homework

- Ontop of all that, people gatekept the living hell out of people.

So yes, I grew older than 13 and thus quit doing homework for 'fun'. Ontop of that many newer games came out, which shrank the player base. There's 30k players here. Seeing the bot channels in discord I can already 100% tell you there's about 10k bots on each server. So 20k actual players over several servers 'doing homework' is boring. Most people that come online are just FOMO people, like I was for 6 months. Once a player quits for 2 months they realize how incredibly boring the game is.

mrpulcio7724: Meanwhile there are players like me: Solo mode enjoyers with no gatekeeping or fomo to worry about! It's a peaceful life.

MadeedBTW: Main enjoyer here. This game would be so much better if I could play/earn more on main so I wasn't forced to play alts in order to maintain my main for the latest content. This is exactly what leads to burnout of players and part of the reason we will always have a declining player base (the other part being the massive barrier to entry for new players). Alts should always be for fun not mandatory imo and this is one of my biggest gripes with this game.

petetam7394: lol what meta ? when the game is a sh!tty p2w game with a bunch of toxic L sweatlord gatekeeper just call it out exactly as it is . and tbh only losers keep putting in a bunch of time and money for this L game. It is beyond saving at this point, good raid and combat is not going to retain people if sh!ty progression is still in place , but a last a lot of idiots keep eating sh!t for a long time from SG

AegisRick: The majority of LA content I see is people complaining about LA. I'm not saying there isn't stuff to complain about. But I am saying shit gets old.

The game is P2W. It's evergreen FOMO. Gatekeeping is a serious problem. Good luck for any new players. East & West Merge when? ETC.

Like you said: None of this shit is new, yet I have to sit here and hear people rediscover the same flaws every single time someone rocks the boat.

karimabu-isbeih1012: Hit 1680.

Did normal mode.

Progged for 2 hours and had a great time with lots of fun.

Left till next week.

CizorHP: Im honestly gonna disagree with alot of things here. The one thing i agree on is yes a lot of systems takes way to long to complete, alot of them are fixed with events etc but in generel systems can take a long long time.

Alot of things have changed, not in the pay2win department but its a Korean MMO and people who pay isnt ruining the game for anyone. its getting boring af listening to people complaining about pay2win in a game where you can litteraly not pay a single dime and still have a incredible roster if stick with the game for a long time (which you are usually supposed to in an mmo) you dont see Runescape players complaining about the time it takes to get to 99 Runecrafting. Like ive spent a good amount of money in the game probably around 1k USD and if you look at my roster compared to people from my guild i have like one character more in 1680 than them. theres litteraly no difference in our rosters.

The game overall has changed in a way where dailys and boss raiding has become astronomically more faster. You get way more rewards from things and you can push characters to content way easier after tier 4. The time difference in Aegir Behemoth and new Brel/Echidna is almost the same time as one fcking Akkan run. Jails happen less often and so on.

The giga cope with "everyone is the same skill level" is also the biggest cope ive ever heard. the vast majority in this game is complete dogwater. HANDS will always perform better than Pay2win. And one lvl 10 gem doesnt make your stronger than anyone unless you know how to use it.

But at the end of the day the reason why the game is much more enjoyable is how much faster and easier things have gotten. the game has been heading in a right direction for a long time now and i dont get how people STILL can cry about pay2win when in reality its just pay2dothesamecontentaseveryoneelsewithaslightchanceofdoingmoredmgifyouknowwhatyou'redoing

Gh00sTx: I and my whole static cleared brel hm 1-2, had a lot of fun, not overgeared for the standards of the raid but since t4 the progression feels so terrible because essentially you dont feel like progressing at a proper pace on your main, even worse than it was before. For me the issues became bigger and far more noticeable, the imcompetence of both ags/sh fixing and also ignoring them makes the experience of the gameplay loop in this game feel even worse. Kazeros will be for me and all my friends that still play the last big thing and i doubt the game has any future beyond that with how little the game is catered towards the western audience and their feedback. Stoopzz has mentioned it many times, relic books and gems with how crazy those prices are dont feel like a goal to achieve but more like unachieveable in a meaningful timeframe. level 9 gems 1m gold for barely any gain but at some point theres nothing else "worth" to spend your gold on. Artificially slowing your sense of actual progression, same as relic books right now. And even alts are a too big investment, advanced honing that sole purpose is to cheapen the cost of honing still in a terrible state like ? The greed of SG has gotten far worse and t4 is a cash grab at best with very little improvements to the actual game besides ark passive which for our version is still gated behind 1660 for some wild reason. This game cant ever gain and keep new/returning players by how it fuctions until it slowly bleeds out which clearly shows by the static decline in players especially recently.

omegaklee12345: sunk cost fallacy speaking, u cant enjoy a shitty game. Stop coping lol

magicc1204: i just wish they didnt leave pvp to rot and die on launch, i played first full year of lost ark and would have totally just retired to a full time pvper if the devs gave a shit

Kikooo: based

AndrewCosmos7: I played for around 6 months at the beggining, everything was fun at first, me and my group enjoyed LOA, such a blast holy shi.

But we saw where things were going, and maybe the only thing that could have kept us for years was PvP.

Unfortunatelly, PvP was dead, unbalanced and got 0 love.

I tried to keep up with updates and see if maybe they would change course... but today I want to say that I must move on.

Your video did it for me, farewell everyone

andysledge: Whats the point of hard mode if you can overgear the content. Its just like you said a bait to spend money. That's why these type of games can not be taken seriously. Quit after Akkan and it's insane how much copium there still is in the little amount of players that are still playing, 100% masochists

ryanc9876: I would absolutely love it if raids were designed for 1-4 players in mind. I get bored of solo, but for those who get the anxiety, it's great for them. Balancing schedules around with 8 people is kind of tough, but 4 is quite doable. I'd deal with all of the other bullshit in the game if I could just have my cozy little group and not worry about the outside noise as I just enjoy playing a game whose combat system I thoroughly have fun with. The progression being pretty unpleasant probably wouldn't be so bad if you didn't feel the need to pretty yourself up to try to get into raids. I don't know if it'll ever happen, but that's what I've been wanting for a long time now. 8 players is too many. Let's not even get into 16...

TheSoundOfReee: everyone is allowed to have standards. but its getting crazy. 1660 with full unlocked ap to do theamine hard? are people ok ?

As someone mentioned here.. you can have standards untill you crank them up so high that you have noone to play with.

chriso6042: I quit this past week. New raids used to be fun and exciting.. but somewhere along the way, they became a chore and a hinderance to getting the rest of your raids done. I dislike the new raid and I also dislike the new guardian. Its been a breath of fresh air not worrying about getting dailies and weeklies done.

pvpsum: The game has too many chores, I am missing an adventure

Feb 03 2025

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