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New Player Goals How to Earn Gold as A NewReturning Player in Lost Ark!

بدوىفلوجز: here's a better goal for new players , delete this cancer game

rjacks3284: what new players. all the normal people left. the ones remaining are the lunatics willing to grind away to be the MC of a power fantasy iseikai, some so much so that they command a legion of "new players" that feed them power. lol

flamestryker666: Great video and tips! But one thing you forgot to mention at the beginning section is to do chaos gates. Can be done 3x/week. Then sell the shard bags/juicers for a few K gold each week. It's not much but every little bit helps. And if you are in the position where you have a few alts in the 1580/1585 range make sure you do chaos dungeons/guardian raids. You can funnel gems/red/blue stones up to your main. But I personally would sell the radiant leapstones you get from Sonavel, as they are worth quite a bit of gold.

cookierem5385: I just never find groups to learn raids with, and feels rly bad :(

ZellerTV: Thansk for the tips, im new player and just hit 1640, i was considering to make a alt bard, but ill wait untill there is another event . How often does theese events come up?

TheSoundOfReee: For explaining importance of books in honing to 1620 [ lack of mention about ratio at wich book cost is justified ]

For explaining where you can get free books

For mentioning life skills as extra gold source

For explaining una tasks, tokens and convertion to gold

- Cube mentioned but not explained at all. ( Most new players have no idea what to do with this and how to enter )

- didnt mention difference between bound and normal gold

for mentioning gold island [ its very often never mentioned ]

for mentioning skill potions

- arkesia tour not mentioned [ some important stuff is there, skill potions, runes !]

mentioned unlocking transcendence and elixirs

- not explaining road to hyper free elixirs and how to equip them

express growth approach

- havent mentioned doing south kurzan for materials and fusion materials north kurzan upon reaching 1600 ilvl for the same purpose

Tulkeleth: Everybody, new and veterans should NOT transfer their gear before doing at least 10 lvls of advance honing.

Transfering straight from 1620 to 1640 is instantly putting yourself in a -150k situation because adv honing in T4 is more expensive and that's not even accounting for material prices specially the T4 juice is crazy expensive. So do yourself a favor and do at least half of your adv hones in T3 and save gold in the long run. Transfering from 1620 to 1640 is griefing yourself and you gain pretty much nothing from it hyper awakening is low single digit % of your damage and T skill at 1 min cooldown is pepega, and raids aren't any better since to join a new raid you need 1660 so thats 2 normal T4 hones on each piece.

If you had full adv hone from T3 you not only get it out of the way for cheaper, but you also have to hone your T4 gear fewer times.

MrBFoRally: Broooo… i subscribed to your twitch channel but smh forgot to sub in youtube damm

Jan 13 2025

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