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My Lost Ark Group is DISBANDING

BuffPomsky: Stoopz realizes not everyone's job is to play and stream lmao

Balyente: Eclipse raiders BTW.

starm8848: love the videos mr editor man

s.a4034: If they have peoblem with fix group of joucers what 90% people myself include going to do in public lobbies ?!

stormgod4891: the most dangerous snake in this raid was in Stoopzz's pants

Tomi-sc7dv: Imagine if they hadn't given westoids their own Thaemine nerfs

BogzySama: These lost ark streamers are a bunch of clowns. Didnt they also say elixirs were the greatest thing ever just because it was "gold efficient"? Look how that turned out.

bessibessi2619: igubaba

Priestermius: The raid is free but stoopz just play like a Bozo pug and never watches his surroundings and always want to do punch :D

QuockaFlocka: Hestu with the bait and switch

mic01851165: Lmao first time?

I have these type of issues way back on multiple teams and most of them disband.

X can only play 2 days this week. Y only have 2 hr to prog max. Z already prog with someone else during the wait.

Like, that's why i hate group content in general in Lost Ark. Can't wait for solo raids.

Jun 26 2024

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