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Lost Ark1611 Pinnacle Glaivier Ivory Tower Solo Raid

ErronGhost: I'd rather go solo being an Echidna Raider currently than dealing with lobby simulator and Gatekeeping issues with nonsense players conditioning my knowledge and power

CurdeFaya: amazing solo raids <3 soon in europe

funandgames5278: why do i feel like its boring to go solo mode?

thethugbr0840: nice video again!

FujimoRii2491: Why they delete g3

TheSpyriX: Cant wait to have this in a few days :D

PelerKauPetjah: valtan to brell when upload

rluvidz: G3 removed?

cemungutslayer: can you make a guide version for newbie who first playing the raid

it will be a good content since no one havent make it yet

mrlegit404: Thoughts on Pinnacle vs Control?

HuXA4yXA: ну, я возможно не прав, но ролики Loteng я воспринимаю как хайлайт, так как зачастую ты в рейде где-то совершишь ошибку и всё пойдёт через ass

Jul 18 2024

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