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LOST ARK Wildsoul is BUSTED! Full kit explanation recommendation rating DisguiseBearFox

achimouwu1503: the bear is so innocent and weird cute

Xanderstarcoat: your break down of this is soo good and it really makes it easy to understand!

crackedup3378: Typical lost ark dummies who called her zdps in your chat deserved the bans for spreading misinformation. Not liking her is one thing and all fine but spreading slander and false info without any fact checking is just un”bear”able to be around in la community

khalid.5139: bear smash human gayge wolf totototototot

ZoReeXHD: And yes, the sound effects make you deal more dmg (like pressing square harder to drive faster)

1NabbinatoR: is a very complete and balance class that will be op

dotagodtv1508: What about the 2nd class build?

riquelme121: Does the bear and fox skills have different gems or on for all bears and one for all fox skills?

pgrey1312: looks fun, need to wait till zeal honeymoon phrase is over

hullgreen8677: voice effects included?

Rukmaars: It’s funny when you say “new player friendly” when LA is not even close to being “new player friendly”. The game is a nightmare for new players. Even when I tried to come back last year during the event period, it was impossible to join any instances as new player if you do not match the required BP. Everyone just wants experienced players and there was no room for new players.

Okay, I am not going to assume it’s the same in NA servers or overseas but in EU it was the case.

Game was great at release but today the complexity and requirements to join parties are impossible for new players.

Can’t recommend LA to anyone new but if you still want to try it then good luck

petetam7394: woa another broken new class

clyde4390: hey zeal, is there a non ark passive engraving for wildsoul? NA doesnt have AP yet so kinda curious what options are there

dodo-wq1wo: HE BACK ATK ? Or from anywhere I can play

ilovewater8720: solid vid thanks

blackmagic2160: Will be nerfed after a month anyway

kudahorse-ou6cv: lets goooo

nanonidesu8250: second

Jan 19 2025

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