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LOST ARK Sept 18 CM Letter! Changes YOU need to know! Karma Engravings Meta Changes Incoming!

KingVOAN: That was a fucking WILD intro my guy

Catge000: Support main here...sick and tired of dumping millions of gold into goldsinks now.......

At least DPS players see power spike and progress, we supports see NOTHING, yet we will still be required to do it for gate0.

I'm not even excited for the upcoming raids because of fear for what bs system they're going to bring along with it.

SuperGoldenHat: Kinda wanted a quick cam view after that wild intro..

barsham7881: All these progression systems with the bullshit rng like trans and this karma shit

hiragayaya6365: 1295 Pheon Ready for it

drgremory5275: To anyone panicking about karma:

karma basicly works this way

you click and have 10% chance to increase your weapon power by 0.4%

thats it

zarala1: That intro is wild..

mariomarroquin8441: still waiting the 24 set of LoS they anounced xD

ugis4884: Im opposite, im exited to see new stuff

Tokiomy: I want that skin you wear

ggbk8584: Lost Ark truly is heading into the wall. It's only P2W vertical progression, no horizontal stuff, no new class, class balance is trash, gatekeeping as bad as ever. Sad.

Sep 19 2024

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