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ggbk8584: Brelshizy back to destroy the remaining playerbase

raividas45: brell looks like a whole lot of bullshit again and brell hard in na/eu is consistant jail already like god damn we get another jail raid

helgenlane: The raid isn't even out yet and I already lost to mommy Brel

Zraekor: as long as theres no cubes should be comfy

GIACOMO_COLOMBO_____o: who's gonna do this raid in global? ah yes the one who spend 1-2k in RMT, NICE!

new players or returnal perma gatekeeping.

NO LIFE HARDCORE: plays all day since day 1 and RMT.

THIS IS LOST ARK, no wonder the game has 18k and keep falling down (new world 4k) its insane how AGS is killing everygame they import.

Landstalker1999: I hope this raid isn't one of those puzzle quest bs, none of these matching color and shapes bs. Let's hope this raid is battle oriented.

tresdvd: Coming soon Prokel version 2

eidy8511: that jederico ??????????

Too2Cold: Looks terrible honestly

Sep 22 2024

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