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LFire in Korean Lost Ark

itsDubla: Agree agree agree. Only time will tell, but this good be a catalyst to some good upcoming changes.

aromaro7749: We know that nothing will change as long as a few giga whales still continue to spend their money.

QuietLunacy: Okay, "Vertical God" is a perfectly insane nickname lmao well played

RagingSorrowDR: This Brel release is a perfect example of whale bait and predatory design. Like you said, the game killed casual player base already, now they are killing the semi casual but dedicated players. What's the point of releasing a content if no average player gets to clear it and have fun. And they add a fomo title to it so ppl feel the need to over spend or grind their teeth off to maybe get it. If they continue the design philosophy, I may just quit, however much I love this game play. Life just has better things to offer if it gets to that point.

petetam7394: hopefully something good comes from KR . AGS has severely run the game into the ground for the past 3 years. And the game is losing ground even in KR so something needs to change

krumdark: I think service for this game ends in the west

geko1410: Smile gate creates problems to sell solution, i hope more ppl give push back, so that we can play the game without being squish so much $$$$..

Also i agree smile gate has killed the casuals, this is a game that is hard to binge play.

mohamedelsayed9217: I think it’s a joint fault from both SG and the player base. I’ve been playing this game since July/August of last year, but I’m in a situation where I can’t really commit more than 6-8 hours a week to the game, and I’ve been surviving just chasing the normal mode of each new raid and having a friend that I raid with every week. Don’t get me wrong, mats, gems, and everything else is hella expensive these days than at the beginning of tier 4, but I think it’s the fault of SG/AGS of demanding too much from the player base to hone that quickly that frequently with the low supply of pretty much everything in the game which drives the market place insane, but also the players who are chasing the hard mode of each raid, especially those who are doing that on multiple characters if not their entire roster.

I think SG/AGS know exactly what they need to do, but they’re reluctant to do it as long as the players can still take the abuse without revolting.

dominicblake5: Not surprised. I quit the game again when poe 2 came out. Might come back if they make meaningful changes. Lost ark is a game that truly wastes ur time with chores and for what? To get gatekept? Why cant they make every raid easy for casuals and keep hardcore for hc players like poe 2 does? Or people that like to spend like crazy? Give those people an option like ester weapons so they can have really broken characters but not make it required for raiding? I dont mind needing to login every day but if i have to do that and spend 6 hours everyday to make meaningful progress then no thanks max should be 1-2hrs

IslandFenix: Summer LOAON is gonna be interesting, assuming we don't get any emergency streams between now and then.

kaymanigeorge: deadass i said this in other comment and all I got was oohh ur doomposting, not to mention saint said all we do complain about everything.....bet guess ill just shut my mouth and watch the game die ..... lemme put it this way SG is blizzard and AGS is the Diablo team the fk ups have gone to a breaking point,

ryanc9876: My reaction is more like the first box being: they're not gonna do anything about it. And second box would be: oh hey, they might finally do something now! Nothing seems to change from our feedback, but as soon as KR complains, things get done. Sure, I'm sure they do things sometimes with our feedback, but it never feels like they do, hence the "seems."

S.R.B.G.: I’m actually surprised they haven’t hopped on an emergency stream yet but they might be choosing their next move carefully (minor cope)

welnys100: Obviously china is the better server. Sure the content is too easy, but what if they just scale hm closer to bis ilvl. That is a very easy fix, they will and should go for it once they catch up.

omegaklee12345: this riot shoulda happened when valtan released, a little too late

CoolMachination: Every time I take a break the game gets burnt!

dice3000: Pretty much the same thoughts

Some hope..

ukiyo7206: Kudos on delivering a nuanced analysis that transcends the mind-numbing realm of generic reaction videos. LOA remains poop trash. SG have demonstrated a stunning lack of innovation, seemingly content to rest on their laurels while burning through resources without meaningful game development progress.

omarnaffeti1847: well said, but i guess with this much rage happening in kr, i may be copin, but there is no shot sg not gonna do some changes(finally kr community did something)

puma21puma21: Based thumbnail. Edit: Finished the video I completely agree but I would also be critcial of similegate and the KR playerbase, the west is a lost cause and I believe this game is a slow burn to EOS.

woozy987: I play on RU, cleared Brel NM after 2days and had fun playing it.

I could not care less about HM raids on release and stupid titles.

I'm playing some other games (maybe Bdo) while waiting for Wild Soul

brsaoo3436: Hi can you share your ingame settings and launch options for steam ?

TitChapR: Agree, but i don't think china is the wonderland you seem to depict. From the interview of the CN guy with Stoopzz, their version actually looks boring as fuck

wratthis6922: Not going to change game is ass and t4 was the last money grab. They have cn now and don't care about the reset of the players

Feb 06 2025

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