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Is Echidna The WORST Lost Ark Raid?

danielyari2354: Echidna is not a difficult raid....but it turns into one when u have to coinflip the monkies of a teammates u get
chicknwing2742: Cleared it 5 times now on normal, including on my main 1630 pally. The gimmicks suck. It takes way too long to get back to basement after a wipe. DPS is so tight we need everyone alive for snakes. Having to reset over and over and over because someone made 1 mistake is very frustrating and reminds me exactly of Brel g5. I can understand Korean players saying this raid was easy if they phased her from mech to mech without seeing many patterns but my static teams are nowhere near that juiced and sometimes her pattern sequences can be pure cancer.
rc8929: Theamine was harder…but Echidna is far more difficult regarding first teamwork requirement and NOW dps check as I am seeing the beserk timer far too often in normal mode.

It is extremely disappointing as this feels like a give-away to whales and locks T4 progression to normal/hard.

Yesterday, in reclear raids the dps just couldn’t get the job done (I was on 1630 in normal), even when we got to the berserk timer.
FrEshelman: I tried to prog Echidna with 10-15 parties last weekend, got to the basement but didn't clear G2. Now I can't join reclear groups. I joined some G1 only reclear groups yesterday, but we didn't clear it in 3 different parties over an hour each. I'm stuck until I can schedule a learning party for G2. With kids and a job, I can't commit to a static group.

TLDR: This raid's teamwork requirement in NM is tough for non-static players.
RagingSorrowDR: This is why I don't like this type of difficulty. You are being punished for a random's mistake and one person is making everybody not have fun. Imo this is terrible raid design.
sanddunesppo5170: change gage to vykas gage and change sleep bomb interaction and raid would be fun
SebastianNiight: Played lost ark since release, no breaks, and i can say this raid is very poorly designed. Runing away from boss, camera view, many instant turn and hit patterns, very anxious. I do g3 theamine now for fun after this just to chill out
m.m85434: Blue GL here, I basically gave up progress at this point. I feel on G2 like anchor to my raid group, because it is simply so hard to dodge some charm mechs. Mechs like Backstep where she basically jump behind my back, give me one stack of charm and then rain flowers on us when I got no real movement skill to get out, this skill can literally charm me from 0 stacks. Single Ribbon mech where if she hit someone, her AoE charm is larger than than my backjump and faster than my movement skills. These things are extremely frustrating, Blue GL is tanky class which require very high uptime to do any damage and here I am prevented to tank big part of mechs just to not screw up my group, often I am running from Flytrap to Mirrors Chain mech, to be pushed from boss by Backstep and go directly to 8 Mirrors, there is basically no uptime windows in first phase if boss decide to do these hard to dodge patterns. Of course there is way to learn all these things, but believe me, on Blue GL it suck more than on most other classes (probably most than on any other class) and I do not want to double progress time of my group by trying to figure out how to do that.
s.a4034: Looks like devs assume people who reach echidna in first week , 99% already have an static .
AndrewStormmancer1: I pugged 2/4 of my characters during prog and it ended up being cancer cause people still didnt know the patterns in basement prog lobbies for some reason but once i cleared the first time and started going into reclear lobbies, the fight was much more fun and easy.
Tanovah: Prog was hard. Reclears are a joke. It simply punishes greed. All of my runs were quick in and out this week

Jun 29 2024

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