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Indiana Jones Raiders of the Lost Ark Pitch Meeting

TheAwsomeuser: Putting a typewriter in the background to indicate what era we're in is tight

Edit: getting a lot likes is super easy barely an inconvenience
Also get off my back with ur history lesson about computers
This comment was fr fun nt fr a history lesson
kernowarty: "So he calls his bluff and eats a little bug" The best part of the whole movie.
michaelanderson6394: I love the moment where Screenwriter Guy tells Producer Guy to shut up, looks at his script realizing he had a good point, and then just tells Producer Guy to shut up again. Sometimes you just need another person’s perspective to think, “Wow, how did I overlook that?” I appreciate the mixing up of the gags.
Jarakin: Spotting a Pitch Meeting thirty seconds after it's posted is TIGHT
vonwux: Ah, the pitch meeting that started an amazing trilogy of movies. I sure am glad they only ever made three of these and didn't try and cash in on the nostalgia with a way too old Kentucky Davis.
samuelwallace2782: I love that Temple of Doom takes place before Raiders. Indy sees a chanting shaman pull the still-beating heart out of a man's chest, then uses a chant to set some magical stones on fire. Then a few years later, Marcus tells him to beware of the possible power of the Ark, and Indy is just like, "Magic isn't real, dumbass."
clay_gottschalk: I died at the "Dakota Johnson" dig.
grihoriko8800: "This thing is full of booby.."
I nearly died laughing
leebarbs7176: The ancient people knew how to build that kind of generational loyalty!
abbystafford7549: I love that you're doing the older films!!!
TheAres1999: I have been waiting for this pitch for years, but the "Which Hitler?" joke made it all worth it.
Blakblooded: "I have an adventure film for the whole family"
"Wholesome family adventure films are tight!"
"It has Nazis and faces getting melted off and a guy getting dismembered by a propeller blade..."
jjtomecek1623: Not to be that guy to ruin a good joke, but as a WW1&2 buff, I do feel it's worth mentioning for the uninitiated, U-Boats (German submarines) actually mostly traveled on the surface because of limited air, as well as above water travel being faster and more efficient. They really only submerged before launching an attack

Edit: so @nexus_of_a_crisis brought up a point my monolingual ass didn't catch, and that a German officer very specifically gave an order to dive. I tried to find the scene in question just to confirm, but there were only 30 second clips i could find that weren't long enough to tell for certain. BUT apparently there is a deleted scene that shows a U-Boat submerged JUST under the surface of the water and Indy is holding onto the persicope, so I suppose that's what happened!
PabloHenrique92: "Dakota Johnson"
"Now it just sounds ridiculous"
Christ on a bike Ryan, I wasn't expecting that haha
scubaad64: The whole staff height thing is even funnier. So, the old man said the staff was "six kadam high", which Salla then said was 72 inches (or, you know, six feet). However, the old man then flips the medallion over and says "take back one kadam...". So, really, the staff should have been 5 feet tall, and Indiana Jones like 4 feet tall.
mrudulvelhal5338: Isn't the Peruvian jungle the same place where that lady's mother was researching spiders right before she died?
Ulrican414: The typewriter in the back is pure gold.
melkhiordarkfell4354: In case you were wondering the spike trap wasn't triggered by the light, Indy knew it was a plate on the floor, which is why you see him adjust his foot and step forward as his waves his hand, and doing it meant that the other guy was misled and that's what got him killed by the trap later, he didn't notice the plate, tried the light, and when it didn't work he careless stood on the plate thinking it was safe.
Shiv_fernando: 'hey, shut up' never gets old
MichaelCravith: What an emotional pitch meeting. I laughed, I cried, but most of all, I cried.
Xeorboom: I can't believe it's taken us this long to get a Pitch Meeting for the first Alabama James film
koopa42: "Which one?" Absolute PEAK Pitch meeting
JamesCBenedict: I've been waiting for this Pitch Meeting literally my whole life.

My parents met in the theatre on this movie's opening weekend, so my brother and I literally owe my entire existence to this movie.
jediknightjairinaiki560: The various holes in floor slab allow the staff to be placed at the correct location, no matter the day of the year. It's a complicated math problem that Indy figured out.
OmniNexuz: Oh neat he included the part where The Badguy accidentally ate a bug if you zoom in on him
whelp5142: The double 'hey shut up' was really great
rex-racer: One of the best action adventure movies ever. An OG. And extremely worthy of a Pitch Meeting. Wow wow wow wow wow…. wow.
patrickfinlay2074: My uncle is a set builder and Indy was one of his first movies, he built the boulder, as well as a lot of the props
energyknowsbest7853: This is known colloquially as "Canada George and the Pitched Meeting"
johncurley8486: “So the ark is hidden in some hard to find, unassuming corner of the map that necessitates this complicated ray of light arrangement?”
“No, it’s right in the gigantic central temple.”
g00nther: "Would be weird for him to hook up with someone so much younger than him"
nicolasgregorydibb3854: I feel so honored that Youtube decided i deserved to see this in its first minute of being posted
MJR_ATX: Some crossover humor between Ryan George skit lore is thrilling I decided
genericallyentertaining: I absolutely love the implication that the fly-eating scene was specifically described in the script. Imagine how difficult it must have been for them to get the fly to do that on queue.
OmnicidalClown1992: Raiders of the Lost Ark is my second favorite Indiana Jones movie, with my all-time favorite being the Last Crusade.
thoso1973: There's actually a deleted scene with Indy hanging on to the sub with its conning tower above the surface; German WW2 subs sailed at surface level to preserve fuel and sail with increased speed. They would only dive when stealth was needed or combat action was expected.
attila0323: "Rolling stones are tight!" I see what you did there!
theshepdawg6809: Aww, I was kinda hoping there’d be a line like:

So Indy finds the Ark of the Covenant, but as it turns out it’s in a chamber where a pane of glass separates him from a bunch of deadly snakes.
Orbalorbadingdong: Commenting about a video it's mathematically impossible for me to have fully watched within two minutes of it being posted is TIGHT
Cats-TM: Fun fact: the submarine used in Colorado Miller was from the great film Das Boot. And the reason there are scenes in La Rochelle with it is because Das Boot partially takes place in La Rochelle.
renab.7390: Watching every Pitch Meeting as soon as it comes out is super easy, barely an inconvenience.
GoldKalash: Missed a perfect joke opportunity to suggest 'Idaho Duncan' as one of the possible names.
lonewolfjedi493osswfan: The actual story behind Indy’s name is that Indiana was the name of George Lucas’ dog when he was younger and Marion was named after the screenwriter’s mother and Ravenwood is a street name in LA
Heroshii15: "So who are we going to get to play Salah?"
"How about a white welshman with brown facepaint?"
martinheljedal7670: Pitch meetings for old classics are tight!
koalasama: The " oh no ! which one?" was really funny good job. (It's hard to translate laughter over the internet)
ShiningHourPop: I love the return of the catchphrase “I don’t know!” We haven’t heard that in a while. Always makes me laugh.
Omar-wq9dz: Finally, I was wondering when this was happening
aliquida7132: Ryan's ability to talk to Ryan gets better every time.

There was a spot where he double checks his notes and paused before a second "hey shut up"... and the response... how does Ryan have such amazing conversational chemistry with Ryan?
armelior4610: The bits about stuff happening off-screen really shows how before internet you didn't have to explain literally everything for fear of some nitpicking videos... but you didn't have Pitch meeting either so you win some you lose some
ND5280: WW2-era submarines stayed on the surface unless attacking other vessels or hiding, so it would not have submerged to transit the Med. However, Indie would have been seen by officers in the con tower. Watch Das Boot to see how these subs operated. The Raiders sub mock-up is literally the same one used to film Das Boot.
shachihoko4877: never realized the name Dakota Johnson has the same naming pattern as Indiana Jones, that’s so random and clever
Vodopluy: “Shut up loser!”

Jun 01 2024

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