BuffPomsky: Anyone else feel like this express event is very lacking in mats? Can't progress at at lol
They always do this but this time they're too obviously trying to make us buy the wildsoul package in the shop
gsil247: Are the two reason you want us to look at Slayer due to her damage and utility? Can't think of any other 2 reasons why.
mahmoudmohammed9632: No WD in here
jrzlz: i made WS and the class feel the best for me
trafalgarlaw1727: me who used it on my FI wardancer XD
kenwong2349: Thank you for the video, May I ask is there any NAW player/group in your Discord ?
DieDarnIt: I will be honest... To me this event was a let down. T3 is basically obsolete now. Why is it still so costly and hard to get to 1620 even when you are close to it.
Mar 05 2025