RedWill42: Everything about watching the KR streams of the last few days makes me feel like T4 is just a worse cancer grind on top of a pre-existing already cancer grind lol.
When the best thing coming is the ability for people to play the game like a single player sandbox raid simulator, that's not good.
czekskii: I think the bard bubble change is for having overcap protection, not a 4 bubble burst. Could be wrong.
arciszero: True, i loved dmg being weighted towards my lowest CR skill, RDH. It felt super good not critting.
jlee9360: Making shards non transferable is a slap in the face. You will have mats but no shards.
eam2564: you guys need to accept this game aint made for us Western players, It is made for no social life asians or aka Koreans.
This game is destined to fail for our market just because this is aint a true MMORPG it is just a boss fighter game with boobs
Amazon have no guilt on this they are just delaying the bleeding but desperation seems too obvious atp,
I would say this game has 1 year or max 2 alive in our version before goes maintenance mode just like most of asians games.
raddadxo677: Would pin glaive become syn swap red dragon swap ranging swap pounce then fart around with other skills for syn and dragon to come back?
Saechao629: You can cancel and recast blessed aura for burst healing
chriso6042: For the solo raids Its not really yearning, its just move speed. And the back attack one seems milea better than anything else.
ReelAoT: u got the link?
jalengiles5102: Im a punisher main and I truly think we good especially as a 1.0 enjoyer. I think the only thing we may lose is out double guill but other than that I usually do my full rotation within 8 seconds. But I think all the engravings spots are 1/X rn so maybe more outgoing dmg or more seconds. I think the grey’s are just passive but we will see in the long run
Jul 15 2024