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Gatekeeping in Lost Ark is still a problem...

rucian_: Gatekeeping made me quit
Rakizo: i said this months ago, when you have to do 18 raids per week to keep up your gold upkeep, it's just impossible to do so without gatekeeping, the design is flawed.
AegisRick: I'm with you, they need to make the normal raids easier and By easier, I simply mean let someone who can carry, actually be able to carry the raid. You asked how Other MMO's do it: that's how. They reward someone who is overgeared and optimized the ability to be able to absolutely manhandle content other people are cutline for.

That means: No raid wipe mechanics. No instakill gimmicks and no relying on your teammates for anything. Why are Valtan G2 and Thaemine G3 some of the most beloved gates in the game? Because people dying isn't an instant re.

The argument against it is always "busser" but the current difficulty sure hasn't stopped them has it? It would allow lesser geared people the ability to clear on their own without feeling compelled to bus because of the difficulty and will also make efficient "HW" content that is actually low stress.

I love the game is challenging, but that's what hard mode is for. Make the game hard and difficult then. Not when you're just starting out or hw.
aerostrafe1075: The main issues that create gatekeeping can be summed up as:
Raids are too punishing
The game ask you to do too many weekly
Content came to NA too fast thus people were pushing faster and not wanting to waste their time. The game had no period where veteran players were chilling so they helped newbies.
The power systems (cards, elixirs, and transcendence) make easy points for people to look at then judge if they should let you in.

The game can only honestly bleed players and never bring in new ones that replace the amount of players it bleeds out. I dont expect the NA server to live another year at most or maybe two if something doesnt change.
phatusnutuskamper4404: The game is toxic because the only people that is left playing it, is the hardcore giga sweats, who has been molded by the Party Finder, and explodes when there is even a hint at something going wrong, because it delays their 18 weekly raids for gold that they have to get done, and its completely by design, to milk addicted players because of the FOMO and fear of getting gatekept.

Sadly I don't see them ever changing the difficulty to such a degree that would decrease gatekeeping to the point that the casual playerbase can enjoy the latest content, that would upset their whales too much. For them to change it like that would require a massive drop in the player base, like a drop of maybe like 70% of the current players, for them to even consider it.

But I hope they wake up to it at some point and makes the game flourish, it has so much potential, held back by greed. This is just ramblings of a lowly Solo Mode Player who likes to spend on skins. Peace.
nejiisurgod: Game is in a decrepit state, on life support imho. Can't stand anyone that white knights AGS or says AGS is cookin tbh. How do you let your game lose 90% of its playerbase? Only a concentrated pool of hardcore players are left, and they have so much brainrot and so little free will. And their behavior is a product of the crappy practices AGS still refuses to address. Doesn't matter if they visit Korea either. If they are still chained by the overlords, nothing will ever change. I think it's honestly time to pull the plug, will stick around for T4 a little and then put down the game longterm.
Tokiomy: I 100% have no problem puting the game down even whit all the money and time invested,just give me a new game to catch me,like Lost Ark,since then I'l keep casualy playing.
Its not the gatekeeping that burns me,Its the god damn upgrades.
I work 9-5,play 2-3h a day at best,farm for a month just to get fuck all nothing.
seeeman_sheesh1532: If u dont have x10 title and all prior progression systems done u got no chance
Oliver-tb9ol: The only way to get rid of gatekeeping is making content easy to the point you just need bodies. Basically to the point where you would just matchmake it. Add an easy mode, a group equivalent of solo mode that makes you progress slower.

Removing all those would eventually force people to vet through discord before accepting people for all the end game content.
thomasblake8504: Make the game accessible ? Buuuuuut... moo0OOO0ooney !
generalgamingguides: To me, gatekeeping really stems from the fact that they want to get raids done as quickly as possible because they have 6 characters worth of raids to do. That's basically 18 raids every week. If they get jailed because of not enough DPS or people failing mechs, that would make people gatekeep those types of players in future raids. So I feel like another thing they could do to help combat gatekeeping and the RNG aspect of the game is to lower the requirements to continue to progress gear. For example, lowering the first tier elixir requirements to 30 points to get the first set instead of 35 and also changing transcendence so that it only requires 6 tiers instead of 7 while keeping the same 5 level increment for each bonus. This allows for some pieces to be 1 star or 2 star without having to worry about needing restart because they don't achieve that "everything must be 3 star except 2 to finish transcendence".

Aug 14 2024

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