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AGS is Actually Implementing Player Feedback in Lost Ark

skrhowll: I'm waiting for an official api to work on
robin2thek: I really like the solo raids. I hope they do all raids to solo raids very soon for the few people that still play the game. Noone wants to do the lobby simulator.
s.a4034: I really hop Loa west see a good increase in player count in next 2-3 month from all of these efforts , this is frist time that i rooting for a gaming company
chriso6042: Stoopzz please! We need transendence mini game removed asap! Just turn in gold/dark fire and done.

The patch that adds weapon transendence also unlocks more armor transendence for most people's alts.. did we not learn anything from t4 when kr was doing trans on all their alts? I don't think their minor gold cost and faster pity is going to make it any better to do.

Sounds like a W patch but I fear it'll make alot of people quit.. or atleast have a very bad time.
gvlialis: Until they change the 6 Chars that can take gold and pheons exist the game will stay dead in the west.
crucible1084: honestly smilegate and the lost ark devs listen to the players more than any online game company ive seen out there.
most companies do the exact same things nexon does
but smilegate always takes every bit of feedback into consideration and uses it to try to make the game better.
ppl gotta not take them for granted, you dont always get devs that do this many changes to the game. theres countless online games out there that everyone probably plays where devs could care less about the players criticism, and just put up more p2w stuff
Wrecksneffect: If they were truly attentive, they would have already eliminated elixirs and transcendence vertical progression. What they're offering is a marketing strategy, providing mere crumbs instead of the actual bread. AGS may be in the kitchen, but it's the players engaged in the endgame content with multiple characters at levels 1620-1630, equipped with level 25 weapons, full elixir, transcendence sets, and fully maxed advanced honing, who are being served as the final dish by AGS.
excia7geness: Stoopzz here doing irl Akkan g3 with Janitor duty for the community
Haru_no_ki: We want the secret juice

Sep 08 2024

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