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You Can Solo Fractal CMs With This Solo Reaper Build in GW2!

Nomyxia: Thanks for the credit man ! You have understand the build and give good and accessible informations

JLawL: The only negative to doing CM fractals on Condi Reaper is that it's a good 20% slower than doing them on Condi Deadeye (Dagger/Dagger). Reaper is much more engaging though as with Deadeye you literally only press the number 3 and manage your initiative lol.

doble698: Well Its good to know im not the only one, Condi Reaper is Highly underrated, got told to bring a meta build to a T4 fractal Sunqua peak they didn't trust me XD I proved them wrong and was top of Dps charts all the time. it shut them up big time. with certain tweaks adding blood magic while staying in same gear will still make you almost unkillable, best for story and the achievements associated with them.

DanV18821: Going to try this today. Loved your power reaper build from the other week.

legenddairy9631: Thanks for the build/theory crafting video. I used to love condi scourge back when it was super strong. It is worth using epi with this build when more focused on mobs/cleave?

CommanderCantlie: What do you have on your Display settings for ARCDPS? is that single target / overall Target?

xddTREExd: Solo the whole fractal

Gleandra: Couldn't this be done on Condition Harbinger? You have more healing/s in place of Reaper's Shroud and hopefully more damage?

recon78: Which fractals (even tier 1) would be the quickest to solo with something like this? Cheers

AkaChinGlish: how can you equipt pistol without harbinger specialaztion?

Feb 14 2025

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