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Will This Help Dragon Response Missions? Jan 14th Guild Wars 2 News

MoreImbaThanYou: DRM's to me wil forever be tainted simply by virtue of being the replacement for whatever they had planned instead for Icebrood Saga.

bobiboulon: I've done quite my share of DRMs (achivement hunting). And I have 2 things to say to clear out some misconceptions about that update:

- The 5 minute prep was a maximum time. You have 5 min to do the 3 objectives, each objectiove gives a moral boost. If you do the 3 objectives before the 5 minutes end, the prep is done, you don't have to wait more. So, this removal of the timer won't make prep faster, however it will allow solo player to get the 3 objectives.

- Difficulty: DRMs always was easily doable as solo content. After all, they are parts of the story arc. It becomes harder when you activate the challenges. Some people will be able to solo the DRMs with all challenges, but it's not for everyone (and some DRM are harder to do that way than othres). I suppose A. Net made the DRMs easier so more people can hunt the challenge achivements without needing to be a full 5 players party. And I think it's a good thing, since DRMs are not a popular content.

Argentum_Rex: Thank God they managed to fix the wisps.. have been stuck on those for a long while now :)

YasaiTsume: Won't change much for some DRMs tbh. Some DRMs are just hella annoying because their objective steps are so long and tedious, like the bridge defense in Blazridge Steppes and Village defense in Lake Doric.

UMosNyu: DRM: To be honest I never really cared about the rewards. The stuff you do itself just got old very quick. Each mission is very similar. You did one, you did most of them.

Nooctae: Solo'ing full Challenge Mode DRMs has been one of my favorite thing to do in the game back in the days.

It was actually pretty difficult, was nice.

velkanzi: Why is it so hard for Anet to give more loot? Looking at DRMs and Dungeons?

RMeitzen: i'm just glad they fixed reaper's scythe

Jmvars: In my opinion, DRM's aren't even fun. They'd have to have insane rewards before I would force myself through them.

Medardusai: I hate DRMs. I'm a new player and just recently played through the entire story and the DRMs would've been where I quit if I hadn't known that the expansion after that are better.

Given I did them solo during the story - they are absolutely doable as a newcomer but very tedious and annoying. After the first couple I just afk'd the prep time because I just couldn't be bothered.

We played one DRM today and I may just ignore the rest of the event in that part because they are still exactly how I remember. Slow, boring, uninteresting - deliberately bloated filler content.

teknomancer6330: That hood made your character look like one of the elves from the old animated Hobbit cartoon.

beneteus3833: My main problem with DRM is the instancing.

You can't hot join on private

Just make instancing like dungeons

mainettv: I got 1.3k hours total in the game... First time hearing of Dragon Response Missions xD

206Zelda: That is a very comfy Chip! Thank you for the coverage on the news!

Knifecore1: I still dont understand the part where everybody has to be out of the instance just to wait for a pop up window to all join in. Why doesnt it work like strike missions?

chaoticneutral1090: Remember when I said I'm coming back when I'm done with poe2? Well damn me I love doing drms solo and now that the set up time will probably be alot shorter, I'm Hella excited, I'm getting back into gw2! Let's go

mcnudelchen2190: well guildhall is not the only place where you can get the guildbank stuff from :3

great video as usually !

krisiraw95: Honestly i did Dragon respons last week or 2 weeks ago for my return to dragons achievement and it was sooo boring it was unreal... I dont think it matters at all how much gold you get from it, its just sooo boring. Fractals are being done for a reason they are fun and give decent gold for the time you need to do em.. So comparing Dragons to fractals just because is "5man content" is not really fair in my opinion. And thats from a player whos relatively new with only 550h into the game.

TheRedGauntlet: DRM still will be tedious with shitty rewards

HardcoreCasualGW2: I didn't read the patch notes before entering a DRM, so I was surprised when I chose 3/3 challenge mode Snowden drift, started doing the usual objectives, and within about 15 seconds the pre-event phase was complete and we were on our way! It makes these events feel kinda pointless, but on the other hand the only point they previously had was to waste your time. So, overall it's an improvement!

moopliss: off topic, but i really enjoy your hud/stream layout. you got little asura mukluk gif in the corner, you are green screened, and you have the cat cam. keep up the content Muk

leela1990: news style video is much appreciated, thanks!

ihappy1: Dragon response missions were kind of cool, longer than a strike or fractal, maybe more equivalent to a single dungeon run. So maybe with some better rewards people might do them. Though I've never really been too interested in going back to them

jrafel1707: Maybe I'll actually go back and finish The IBS story with this special event. I left off somewhere in the middle of the Dragon Response Missions, but it would be nice to get some of those volcanic weapon skins! The vendor won't even look at me until I completely finish the story with all of the missions! (I think he's got issues).

EverIess: i finished stretch goals and my remaning DRM grind the day before this update, didn't have much issues at all solo but its a good change for the future players who require these to be completed, though rewards vs time wise they are still not going to be played.

Jan 16 2025

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