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Who Is GW2s WEAKEST Corn?

cinder8155: Back then on 2016 he was the king of multiplayer

sIkEfr: He’s so good that he’s the first corn I mastered

The_Shimp: Why is literally every one of these videos “the entire class is broken, but this one’s slightly less good then the others”

mlpkillers6293: Um... healing like scientists nullifies him, so yeah, he's the worst.

tatsumakivee4201: He has the least spread of the Corns besides Pops, I believe.

Also Party Corn's look is just a reskin of Barbeque Corn, you can't unsee it now

toadstoolisgod7594: toadstool should have been a class

DJ_Wolfy5: Mob cob is my least favorite. Im probably biased but BBQ corn is my second favorite (#1 being party corn).

turnip_lol: I love corn... not the GW2 character i love eating corn

Koontz_Terraria: did you know: the newest plant actually has a decent animation

not_adragon4775: i wonder if bbq corns nutz taste like bbq

sunstorm750: BBQ corn is extremely precise and its projectile speed is no joke, i find it way better than like mob cob (mob wins in style though)

JohantheFunnyguy: It's probably a corn

lilrobofella9500: His primary along with torchwoods fire breath attack are of 2 attacks that the super brainz spin can't shake off

kibbies: My favorite thing about him despite his atrocious ammo count, he has the tightest spread and fastest fire rate so you can do good at a lot of ranges

aralmoosawi: Is the skin really different than the basic character

DakkaScrappa: how to play corn

step 1: play as any corn

step 2: go to zombie

step 3: Husk Hop

goli749: There are also like no corns in this game

mrt1880: whats is gw2 best corn

Yinoit: None of them. They are all broken. Source: Trust me.


MULTIGAMER743: I have not played GW2 in like 7 years. This brings me nostalgia

THunD3RG0Dzila: I loved corn back when I played gw2, god it felt so good to just flip over retreating zombies and decimate their numbers

cassgaming2383: Back in the day, he was arguably the best corn

CatherineMitchell-uq4sw: He's that best friend but worst nightmare opponent wrapped in one

Popgames-qk4pv: I feel fire classes with slow fire rate but good impact damage are the best fire variants because it gives time for the damage to actually wear off and do full damage

Looona_fan: There is also the fact that he has little to no bullet spread, and he fires fast.

He's better at sniping than Popscorn.

Jan 26 2025

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