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What You May Have Gotten Wrong About Guild Wars 2!

filipvadas7602: GW2's biggest strength, in my opinion, is that its not concerned with being THE MMO and just being its own thing and catering to its own fanbase
donttalktomeaboutlife: FOr me GW2 is a relaxing MMO. I can do as little or as much as I want. One benefit I like about the game is that if I want to "pause" the game I have 2 options. Either fly up to a rock and chill while I go do something or I can just log off no matter where I am at on the map. You don't lose progress or risk all of your stuff being stolen.
Yamael: GW2 is a game I love dearly but I can never stick with for too long. I’ll jump in, play for a month or three, then stop and not touch it again for a year. Then some bit of news catches my eye, I relaunch it, and I’m wondering why I left because it’s fun.

My two pain points for the game are
- legendary gear is so useful that I end up saving everything for the never coming day I’ll be able to get it, and any expense in between feels like a setback.
- festivals and their daily stuff eat away at my limited time to play and get repetitive, but their rewards are juicy enough to want to keep at it, leading to burning out on them.

Still, it’s a game I intend to keep playing and I’m looking forward to Janthir.
aries4378: You know what ultimately drove me away from the other mmos? Pretty much all of them feel like having a second job once you get to endgame. GW2 respects my time, and doesn't try to instill FOMO as a means of keeping me logging in everyday.
antzza9372: "too much grinding" this seems like from players who havent done mmo's tbh at all some mmo's points are the grinding
tabe2278: Great video!
2 misconceptions I would add to the list.
1. There is no holy trinity: This doesn't mean there are no roles in the game. This means that the class by itself doesn't get categorized into the tank/healer/dps. But once you get to instanced contents, the filling of healer/support/dps roles becomes kind of recommended, which comes from a combination of your class/traits/gear.

2. Gw2 is a game for casuals: This doesn't mean the game has no endgame/hard content. There are still plenty challenging modes in the game, but they are completely optional. Don't wanna do it? Don't do it. Wanna challenge yourself? Go for it. The best farms are not part of those contents anyway
opusfluke2354: Welcome back, sir. Which is rather the point: we're not locked in here!" We can go outside, take care of life, play other games. Read a book even. Which is why I love this game. It assumes you have a busy life or at least some sort of life not involving GW2.
Nuh: I always hop on your videos and click the like button but I've noticed lately, it takes several clicks and sometimes even a refresh for that to register.
The dead MMO meme is pretty funny. When I play XIV or WoW, I see more dead zones than in GW2, but its due to design, most players will go to where the game wants them to. For example, both WoW and XIV are both vertical so of course, players are in the new main hub at max level and new expansion zones. For GW2, its all horizontal, so they all gravitate towards wherever the big meta is happening or where the money is.

P.S Staff Wizard Ele is back, give that nonsense a try! Lol, people reporting over 44K DPS on the target dummy.
asreoniplier: I've played GW2 very casually on and off for a few years, and I definitely had misconceptions about the grind!

I put off even just getting the skyscale (the old way, I haven't gotten SOTO yet) until only a few months ago because the sheer amount of Stuff you had to do seemed overwhelming. Then I did it, and it wasn't nearly so bad as I thought. Sure, still a lot to do, and a lot of running around, but it didn't feel tedious. I liked that there was a lot of variation in the steps; you're not necessarily grinding in the sense of doing the same thing over and over. And now I have it, it was definitely worth it and doesn't seem nearly so painful in hindsight lol.

Of course, that's probably not even remotely grindy compared to the other stuff... one day I'll consider tackling a legendary... xD
mattbnr: The gear is actually where they lost me. I hit 80, bought exotic gear, then got bored cause there’s no more character progression. You just play the game to play at that point.
SpartanOfLuxon: I love Guild Wars 2 but I'm tired of the community defending the cash shop. This game is pay to win, you can pay for "convenience" perks that will then get you ahead of others in time spent and ultimately allow you to get the true end game items.

Jul 01 2024

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