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Was I WRONG About Weaver? I Tried WEAVER Part 2 Thoughts Guild Wars 2

Poxumo: I guess the weaving Crows that like snow are going to weave your kneecaps, lol. The intro and outro are the best.
CuriousMoth: Gone are the days of piano, the 'I push F3' Fresh Air Tempest is now the true way to play Ele: you use the same 4 second cast-time skill as often as possible and it does the most DPS of any build in the game.
sand9577: The Snow Crows mafia made Muk an offer he couldn't refuse.
alsymphony7868: As a weaver purist, who only plays tempest when I really need to as an adps. Anyone who says otherwise to what you said before are being deaf because they got their feelings hurt.

Weaver is super fun if it's for you, and it's for me. That's why I play it, but the matter of fact is if you are purely looking for result and payoff for your effort weaver is not it. Of course anet should reward the absurdity that you need to be a weaver main but we don't really live in a dream world.

I also commented this on your video before, but to anyone who is new and is an ele and wondering what elite they should get. If you want result get tempest. It's a literal no brainer.

Current top bench, Can adps, can aheal, is tanky on open world. Tempest is the shit. but I will always pick weaver because of how smooth juggling the skills are even if I'm getting beaten by two button classes idc, I find weaver fun and that's it.
timojet: you should try power tempest next, very ez to get to 38k
DarkWardancer: thank you for doing this video (and the last vid on weaver), as it states much more elegantly what I've been trying to say for years.

Yes, weaver can do comparable damage to other classes or even outperform them by a slight margin, if you play it perfectly. But it feels like even with 80% of effort you will only get 20% of the results. And to get these results, you sacrifice everything, meaning versatility in terms of range, survivability, cc and utility (both, group and personal). So yeah, you can keep up or even outperform other classes in exactly one aspect, if you play out of your mind, but the others will always bring those other aspects to the table, which will trump anything you can provide. And on top always be more survivable just by virtue of having more hp or higher armor.

In order to balance these trade offs, either weaver would have to outperform them damage wise by like 10-15k/s when played perfectly, and do practically equal damage with no effort, or weaver should finally get mayor buffs to its access to utility which is readily available and still do the same damage, eg. not requiring those utility skills for damage and have "oh shit" buttons there instead, with at least half of the guard F3 skill utility each (and/or an ammo stack for each of them).
(I'm exagerating a bit ofc, to make my points clear. I don't want a totally OP ele, but one which is actually as strong other classes)

having to play at least 30% objectively better than everyone else just to keep up, is not rewarding game play or good game design.
JeffHzak: Personally, I thought you were completely right in your concluding statement the first time around despite the misunderstandings you had about it. In terms of DPS the game is fairly balanced, but the moment you look past DPS at what the specs actually DO it's a fucking fiesta.
Jmvars: I'm upset I spent all this time and effort learning Power Weaver to the point I can be top dps in most groups, when now Tempests are spending half their rotation afk while overloading air and can outdps me.
kennethvannorwick3557: When I was looking for elite Elementalist speed I took one look at weaver and said no way. Glad I was right there
LucasLopes-lg1wz: I love elementalist and specially weaver. My main character is an elementalist, but when it comes to group content, it’s just not worth the effort. You basically have a rotation 3 times bigger to deal damage close to classes that press 2 buttons

Jul 09 2024

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